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Hello From South Carolina


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Hello All.  Wow, this is something I have been wanting to get more into for years now.  I am a 29 year old married guy in the IT field.  I have looked up in amazement t the stars since I was a kid, looked through a few telescopes and binoculars, loved science in school, took a few science and math courses in college, but now I really want to settle down and spend some recreational time in this field.  I know the major constellations fairly well, but I certainly want to take it to the next level and really know what I am looking at and embrace this field of science as a whole.  Additionally, I am brushing on my math and science skills by taking free courses online and working my way up to some of the free courses that are out there from MIT.  Looking forward to good discussions within this community as well as networking with some fellow enthusiasts.

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Greetings Mauler5858 - Sounds like you've got a lot of background knowledge already and your IT experience will mesh well with the ever increasing trend towards digital equipment.

Welcome to SGL!!!

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