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Hi to all out there !!


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My first post on anything like this.

Brought my first telescope in Jan 2014, a late Christmas present to myself. At age 64 .

 Celestron Advanced VX 6 (150 mm) Newtonian Computerised Telescope (GOTO), Celestron Eyepiece and Filter Kit 1.25 in, and Celestron Power Tank 7Ah 12v Power Supply

Have only had 5 or 6 good visibility nights so far and still learning/ getting the hang of ALINGMENT.

Best to date, the ORION nebulae using the 20 mm supplied with the scope and the 32 mm from the eyepiece kit.

My ambition , leaving school, at age 16 (1966) was to become a RADIO ASTRONOMER. Went as student/apprentice to what was then the RADAR Research Establishment , Malvern UK.

Ended up designing, firstly, Ships navigation radars, then Weapon system radars. Retired in 2010 aged 60

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Hi & Welcome to SGL. Plenty of good info to be bad here. If you type in your telescope make & model in the search  at the top of the page, you may find other threads  with discussions about your telescope.

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Hi LJ, I hope you have as much Fun learning this fabulous Hobby , as I am having. there are some great books out there for us beginner's, and I think most people on here would recommend. 'Turn left at Orion'.

And if you have any queries, the friendly folks are very helpful.

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