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NGC7380 or Sh2-142 (The Wizard nebula)


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This is an Ha image of NGC7380 and hopefully I am planning on getting some OIII to see if I can make some orangey concoction!! This was a little odd to process, in that the bags of nebulosity on the right I'd never come across before and so I was worried that somehow I'd added it all in during processing! I think it's safe to say that's not the case, but I am pleased to report that my imaging combo just seems to be pulling in more and more detail. I think though it has become slightly less of a wizard now!

M: Avalon linear fast reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EXM with 3nm Ha filter

24x1800s Ha with flats and bias added.


You can see a full res image here http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/ngc7380_mono.jpg

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That's fantastic. The contrast in the dark wisps is excellent. Looking forward to the colour version! The higher resolution version

is really the way to appreciate this image (unfortunately, I often find that the regular viewer here does not do justice to the images).


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Thanks for looking and commenting. The nebulosity really surprised me as well. Normally the Wizard is just viewed looing out from the darkness of space, but here I wondered if I was seeing gradients etc.

@Daz - They are 30 minute subs, not 15, so there's even less left for you now!

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Another absolutely stunning image, Sara.  I wonder what a full narrowband rendition will look like - can't wait to see.


As ever your images are a fantastic advert for the reducer and those 3mm Astrodon filters - maybe I'll put a filter on my Christmas list - but there is more to an image like that than the kit alone and you are producing really beautiful work.

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Thanks Mark and Luis - Yes I am rather partial to some narrowband, there's loads of Sharpless targets to go yet, I'll be fine!!! I do mean to do some HaRGB instead, but I find it very difficult in comparison to bi colour! I've got 4x1800s OIII subs from last night, so it's on it's way!!

@Luis - I didn't know all of that 'stuff' was there either :smiley:

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