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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Yeah, I saw that in the magazine and thought it was cool. FLO have even got the same model as my Imaging Source CCD camera in the display picture hehe :)

My next purchase will be a CCD camera just hard to decide which one

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My next purchase will be a CCD camera just hard to decide which one

There are so many to choose from and you also have to decide if you are going for monochrome or one shot colour. Then whether you want to do planetary or DSO imaging. Decisions, decisions, but the fun is in the browsing! ;)

I was very fortunate when I started out and dropped on a bundle a friend was selling which included the Celestron NexStar 8SE along with 2 x monochrome CCD cameras and the filter wheel and filters etc.

I have the Imaging Source DMK21AU04.AS which I have only managed to use a couple of times since I got it, and not got round to using my LRGB filters yet. Trying to get monochrome imaging sussed out first.

I also got an Atik 16IC-S as part of the bundle, but this hasn't been out of the box other than seeing how it all connects. Hoping to have a go with this before the end of the season. Was one of the reasons I bought the NEQ6 as the AZ GoTo mount that comes with the 8SE just isn't up to the job for long exposure imaging. Seem to be spending a lot of time reading up on imaging, but not getting out and doing any :(

Picked up my Phillips 2016 Stargazing book from The Works today - thanks again for the heads up on that one Chris.

Anyone getting one from Wakefield, note that The Works in Trinity Walk don't stock them, however the one at the bottom of The Ridings Centre have got loads :)

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There are so many to choose from and you also have to decide if you are going for monochrome or one shot colour. Then whether you want to do planetary or DSO imaging. Decisions, decisions, but the fun is in the browsing! ;)

I was very fortunate when I started out and dropped on a bundle a friend was selling which included the Celestron NexStar 8SE along with 2 x monochrome CCD cameras and the filter wheel and filters etc.

I have the Imaging Source DMK21AU04.AS which I have only managed to use a couple of times since I got it, and not got round to using my LRGB filters yet. Trying to get monochrome imaging sussed out first.

I also got an Atik 16IC-S as part of the bundle, but this hasn't been out of the box other than seeing how it all connects. Hoping to have a go with this before the end of the season. Was one of the reasons I bought the NEQ6 as the AZ GoTo mount that comes with the 8SE just isn't up to the job for long exposure imaging. Seem to be spending a lot of time reading up on imaging, but not getting out and doing any :(

Picked up my Phillips 2016 Stargazing book from The Works today - thanks again for the heads up on that one Chris.

Anyone getting one from Wakefield, note that The Works in Trinity Walk don't stock them, however the one at the bottom of The Ridings Centre have got loads :)


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If anyone wants me to get them a copy of the philips 2016 stargazing book, I can pick a copy up from Wakefield as I work in town, and you can give me the money at the AGM next week.

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

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My next purchase will be a CCD camera just hard to decide which one

Your SLT if its on the mount that came with it is a Alt-Azimuth type mount,  to make a CCD worth while you need an EQ type mount as you wont get the long exposures with the AZ one.,

a cheaper option before you invest would be to get a cheap webcam and modify it by removing the filters and lens and trying that on your scope first for planetary imaging,

you may also struggle with a DSLR on the focuser as there possibly is not enough inward travel on the focuser tube to allow it to reach focus, this could possibly be sorted out with a barlow lens

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Can't wait to go to my first star party. Might have to be when the kids are a bit older though, so that I can take at least one of them - unless my wife does decide she wants to go to Greece for a week with her friends, then there will a few nights in the bank.

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If anyone wants me to get them a copy of the philips 2016 stargazing book, I can pick a copy up from Wakefield as I work in town, and you can give me the money at the AGM next week.

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

Yes please if you wouldnt mind how much do i owe you?

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It's OK Chris I've found what's in it, think it's the same as the 2015 guide?

Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus, Altostratus, Altocumulus, Nimbostratus, Cumulus, Stratus, Cumulonimbus, Stratocumulus

Lol yea, that's it

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the links Derek. Hopefully going to get to a couple of star parties this year. Got my pitch booked for 4 nights at Kelling Heath 2016 Sky Camp at the end of September. Really looking forward to it :)

When are the star parties happening and how do i book onto it?

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When are the star parties happening and how do i book onto it?

Adam go onto the main forum page, Astro events and star parties there arm quite a few that happen.

I try to attend the Galloway ones in spring and autumn. I am going to try to make it down to Wales and also the SGL one sometime? I've two booked already.

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Just 2 pounds Adam if they have them in stock, I shall go down on Monday lunch time and get one.

Cheers buddy id go down but im not going to get a chance to go into town this weekend

No worries, I'll go on Monday and get you a copy if I can.

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

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When are the star parties happening and how do i book onto it?

Hi Adam

Go onto the main Forum page and find the Astro events then star parties.

There are quite a few up and down on various dates.

I attend the Galloway ones in spring and autumn but will try to make it to some others including Wales and the SGL one if I can manage the time off.

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When are the star parties happening and how do i book onto it?

You have to look for one you would like to go to. Then get booked in for it. Usually it will be advertised relatively early on as the sites get booked fairly quickly. Especially the electric hook up ones.

For instance the Kielder Star Camp is often booked up within a few weeks of it being announced. They are that popular. Star Camps happen all over the country. SGL have one as well.


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Adam we do have our very own society star party at my house in Kielder. You'll have to camp though! Not a big event as it's just us members, but a chance to get some serious star gazing done... Weather permitting of course! ;)

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