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IC1805 (Heart nebula) in a rather bright false colour!


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This is more of an experiment than anything. I have the Ha for IC1805 already, a 2 pane mosaic. I thought I'd go for some OIII and SII for a full HST palette, but decided that while the weather is breaking and I'm waiting for the lower OIII pane I'd see how a Bi colour and a synthetic green would go.

The HOO bi colour was OK, nice and red!! The H(G)O was ...... yellow!! I used Cannistra's synthetic channel method instead of Noels actions which is what I usually do. Despite the yellow colour, I thought that Cannistra's method gave a more pleasing colour and depth. So I merged the bi colour and H(G)O and got the image below.



T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C; Atik 460EX mono, 3nm OIII and 3nm Ha

12x1800s Ha

12x1800s OIII

It's very bright, it won't be everyone's cup of tea I know.


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Thanks all - Oh why do I always have to snigger when I see this imaged? :grin:

Hoping to get the second pane tonight and bet I cannot process it the same tomorrow when I've got the whole nebula in glorious technicolour!!!

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Ah yes.. the appendage in glorious colour :grin: ....

.. it's bright alright. Now that, would look very nice up on the wall. Goes down well with a nice cup'o tea

I take it you mean the Member's Nebula? Please don't be silly or licentious on SGL! :grin:

I like this.

Yes, the colours are strong but they are more 'Hills of Provence' than 'Caesar's Palace at Las Vegas.' The stas have nice clean edges and they are 'Astrodon small!' While dangerously sharp this image is also smooth and clean. I like it.

Sara, RGB, RGB, RGB... You are being led astray by demons.


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I like this very much Sara and the colours are fabulous. It is bright, but it's not over the top.

This is one of those targets that really sings in colour looking forward to the full tri-band too.

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