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The Rotten Apple Core Nebula


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When I first started imaging, I used to spend a lot of time on M27. My wife used to complain saying; "Not that rotten 'Apple Core' again!". But planetary nebulae are my favourite DSO targets, they just fascinate me.

Here's some data I gathered at the end of a session, just 2 hours worth of Ha in 20 minute increments using my C11edge and Atik 428ex binned 2x2. I have added in some false colour (Ha+Oiii) from a couple of years back taken with an MN190.

There's still a few more of these images from last year tucked away in my PC, i'm trying to clear them out before starting any new images...

Thanks for looking.



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what a beauty...

...i´d like to ha a complaining wife like yours, other than "oh noes you don´t want to buy new toys" or "what you are going out again"... :grin:

Oh I get that too, that's the reason I have developed selective hearing :D

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