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Drowning not waving.....

Topic TJ

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Every time we are out of doors at night, my wife comments on the sky and wonders aloud, "Where's ....." or "Do you think that could be....". Not being able to recognise a star from an aircraft navigation light, I'm not the best person to support this interest so I decided to buy her Turn Left at Orion as a birthday present in a couple of weeks.

I then saw an inexpensive telescope for sale in ALDI, which seemed a good supplement to the book. However, just before going in to buy it, I called the one person I knew with any knowledge of astronomy and was firmly told NO but pointed to this forum!

So, I now know why NOT to buy from ALDI and have peeped around the front door of a world I didn't even know existed a few days ago!

Complicated, isn't it?

I'll certainly post for some advice but for those of you who can remember what it was like when you knew nothing.....this forum is a tremendous resource, which has managed to fascinate and (start to) educate someone who just wanted to buy an interesting birthday present!

Thanks a lot


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Hi Tony, and welcome aboard.

You are about to start on a voyage of discovery, fascinating, beautiful and sometimes frustrating, but never boring. :D

Each and every one of us here, started out from where you are starting, and many at a time when there were no forums like this one.

We would have each asked the same questions that you will ask, but now getting help with the answers has never been easier, thanks to the forums.

Remember, there's no such thing as a 'stupid question', and absolutely no need to have any hesitation in asking a question, no matter how basic.


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Welcome to SGL Tony. Both you and your wife will enjoy this place. There are a few ladies who are members, and are a great asset to the forum they are too.

Dave (Centroid) has it exactly right, so make yourselves at home.


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