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Just cannot tear my eyes off Jupiter


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Despite going out with all good intentions of having a mooch about with the big dob, I simply could not stop observing Jupiter. This has been the case the last three times out and I seem obsessed with just squeezing every last drop of detail out that I can. I have had the best views ever of the planet this season. I did have a quick look at M42, M31, M32, M110, M1 and a couple of clusters but was continually drawn back to Jupiter. Managed to see excellent levels of detail using the 16" dob masked to 170mm. Always with a Baader neodymium filter, I used mainly 147x and 204x (BGO 12.5mm and 9mm). The GRS of course was prominent as was his 'little brother' plus the lovely swirl within the SEB, trailing the GRS,

Tried to split 42 Ori but the seeing defeated me tonight - subtle hints but will get it another time.

Hope others are enjoying Jupiter too.

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Same here, also I got drawn into the orion nebula, I find it a bit spooky after a while, it seems to loom towards you. Tried to find the perseus cluster but failed, found the Leo trio but they were to low to get ny detail. Tonight has made me realise I need a good quality wide field, 30mm or so, I have been a good boy this year so maybe Santa has something for me, I have been hinting enough. :smiley:

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Same here - seduced by Jupier's allure last night. Some lovely detail, even in my 'umble 5" Mak and again some hints of albedo on Ganymede.

Had a short tour of some doubles afterwards - split 42 Ori again, this time more easily (the brain cell has learned....). Castor, as ever. brilliant.

M33 and M1 impressive in my 15x70s as a finale before the feet started to lose sensation.


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I had a good look at Jupiter last night but seeing wasn't as good as it was last week for me. I had a bash the Moore Winter Marathon but only got through 27. Some nice new objects though. M34 open cluster in Perseus, Theta Tauri, a bright optical double. Easy split at 120x in a 10" Dob and M77 a lovely little galaxy in Cetus. Couldn't see the flaming star nebula though :( A great night before succumbing to the cold, nicely rounded off with a dram of Highland Park :D

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What a sight. Was out last night if it wasn't for work I couldn't stayed out there for hours just looking at it. The way it came in and out if view was enjoyable. Just trying to tease more detail out by finely adjusting the focus was good I really enjoyed it!


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Hello there,

It seems that some of us were at the eyepiece last night observing the same :)

Finally I had a great observing night, after so many days of consectutive lousy weather and seeing, I was blessed with a steady atmosphere for serious Jupiter observation.

Started the night setting up the GSO 300 mm newt. on the EQ6 as usual, letting the mirror cool for some time with the rear fan, then with the mirror still warm and Jupiter still low I placed the WO binoviewrs with a 2x barlow and a pair of 15 mm plossl's and focused on the planet, was rather pleased trhe see Io just glued to the limb starting to hide behind the planet, what a lovely sight even with some boiling on the image, then went inside for dinner and let the beast cool properly.

Afther some time went back at the eyepiece and as predicted in Unysis (great tool) the seeing was great with very low high altitude winds i rated it at about 6 or 7/10, not bad...the GRS was comming into view and oval BA and a dark spot next to it were clearly visible already, this was promissing, done a lot of imaging till the GRS transited the meridian, a good 2 hours worth of imaging...then went back to visual, and oh my god...I grasped at the view was nothing short of amazing, some of the best views I ever had of Jupiter, the colors were so vivid and the detail so intrincate it's hard to explain, on those "moments of glory" when the seeing steadied rock solid the swilrs following the GRS were so sharp and colorfull with that creamy pastel colors, even hints of detail within the GRS itself could be seen, stayed glued at the eyepiece till my feet froze just speaking loud "wow, spectacular, yeeepie!!!" Ok, it's official...the neighbours think I'm nuts! There goes the crazy guy with the white missile again... :)


Cheers mates,


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I've been drawn to Jupiter too & it has been looking good over the past week or so when the skies have been clear. I was watching Io in the early hours of Monday morning passing it although the cold did get the better of me as it was a pretty gusty night. I did get drawn to a few other objects but it didn't take long for me to go back.


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Just using a 3" refractor on jupiter but still getting great views from a very heavily light polluted sight.

The last Io shadow transit two night's ago was fantastic.

North temperate belt nearly as easy as north equatorial.

Even some people who have never looked through a telescope before in their lives could see the Io shadow transit through the 3".

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3 inch refractors can indeed provide very nice images of Jupiter. I've counted 9 bands + GRS with my little Megrez 72. I have yet to get any real surface texture though, and it will probably be difficult to squeze anything more out of it.

Unfortunately I haven't seen any shadow transits, but then there is something to look forward to.

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I too have been enchanted by Jupiter's views the last several days. It is absolutely beautiful with its moons glimmering around it.

I can just make out a third cloud band with my setup ( 4 1/2 in. Newt) here in the fairly Light polluted conditions of NY.

I swear I could reach out and pluck Jupiter right out of my scope and bite it like a peach :)


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42 Orion...I must try it..is < 2"arc?

I love Jup with my 250mm scope so would I get more detail if I stop it down? I use a variable polarising filter which takes some of the light away to bring out the detail.....will have to try it.


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Yes, I've been the same. Everytime I go out I am getting fantastic views of Jupiter. Don't know why but the last couple of months have been my best to date for Jupiter and I keep seeing more and more detail.

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Now that I have a couple of good quality planetary eyepieces I now 'get' the point of planetary observing. Before all I could see was a bright circle and very little detail which did nothing for any enthusiasm I may have for the planets.

now however Jupiter is mesmerising, I could sit and look at it all night, a driven scope would make that easier though.

i was going to wait for Saturn to rise about the trees but the clouds rolled in before that happened

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Now that I have a couple of good quality planetary eyepieces I now 'get' the point of planetary observing. Before all I could see was a bright circle and very little detail which did nothing for any enthusiasm I may have for the planets.

now however Jupiter is mesmerising, I could sit and look at it all night, a driven scope would make that easier though.

i was going to wait for Saturn to rise about the trees but the clouds rolled in before that happened

Good sight isn't it? What EPs do you use on Jupiter? I used to use the 10mm EP included in the scope and thought that was good. Used the Vixen 8mm and wow! It's much, much better!

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Jupiter has become recently the starter, main course and desert, with perhaps occasional deviation (nibbles) towards some of the wonderful open clusters such as M37 and M35 and concluding with M42 to round up the evenings. Each time there is something new and suprising revealed, it is never so familiar. Very relaxing to, setting up in and enjoying your own environment, concentrating on an easliy located target and in my case share with others such as my daughter and Brother in Law.

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