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RIP Sir Patrick


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When I saw the news yesterday I couldn't help but have a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat at the news and reading through these comments has brough them back, I don't think anyone can truely measure the impact he had on the field of astronomy suffice to say his passion for the subject lives on through everyone he touched with with enthusiasm for the subject. I just hope that SAN does not suffer from this, as the biggest tragedy would be for the show he presented for so long and inspired so many to fade out and not inspire and educate people on the wonders of our universe.

I myself have always had an interest in the stars but cannot pinpoint a single catalyst which started it all, what I do know is that I can always remember Sir Patrick talking about the subject for the last 20+ years I can remember with such enthusiasm that you couldn't help but take an take an interest in what he had to say.

He was an inspiration to so many and lets hope he knew how many people young and old he inspired, and all with no formal qualifications just sheer passion for the subject which was so infectious.

We will never see another like him in our lifetime I don't think, and true legend and game changer

RIP Sir Patrick

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I'm a newcomer to this forum, but want to add my sadness at his passing. I never new him, and in some ways I know it's silly to feel sad for someone I never knew. But he was influential to me and my passion for astronomy throughout my life, and I shed a little tear or 2 when I heard. He will be sorely missed.

RIP Sir Patrick.

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You'll be missed and remembered fondly Sir Patrick, I must admit I felt tears in my eyes when I heard the news, I know he was 89 which is great but he was such a massive infuence to many of us who inherently have wonder for what the universe holds. He was also up for a laugh as well, anyone remember his role as the Gamemaster?:) I had first light in my DIY obsy last night and I dedicate that to you sir:) rest in piece amongst the stars.

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I'm sorry, but i have to leave a second comment on here.

I have read each and every single post and i'm still numbed by Patrick's death.

However.................the love,feelings,compassion,respect shown for him here really has touched me and tears have been shed.

I talked about his legend/legacy living on for eternity........................(as it will).

However, i failed to consider the fact that each and every single one of us here is part of his legend/legacy.

SPM will live on through each and everyone of us.


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Patrick was a national institution... a group of us visited him @ Farthings, Selsey a few weeks ago, although not feeling very well he did his best to make us all very welcome. What an amazing man; the world will be a sadder place without him :( RIP Patrick.

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im new to this forum, infact im new to astromony and only joined here recently to read up on which scope should be my first, believe it or not i bought my first scope the day Sir Patrick died, ive always had an interest in astromony and always tuned in to watch The sky at night, its because of Patrick that ive finally taken the plunge.

will be very sadly missed, thank you Patrick for all the years, keep looking up.


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what a superb tribute the BBC has produced. completely upbeat, hilarious and tear-jerking at the same time. truly fitting. you forget how he used to make fun of himself and was completely at ease larking about with Magnus Pike and Morecambe and Wise. brilliant.

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I thorougly enjoyed it too & I must admit there were parts of the program that made me chuckle, whether it was the parodies or Patrick being himself, a true legend & a great man who sadly will be missed.

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Such a special person, wish i could of met him. I received my signed book back today that i have had since i was about 10 and sent to Patrick only three weeks ago. little did i know he was quite so ill, and he still managed to sign this book for me. Truly one of a kind we will miss you.

Lets hope you are up there finding all the answers to all your questions and doing so with your good wife.

R.I.P Sir Patrick Moore

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I'm 18, and I'm proud to be able to say that Sir Patrick was responsible for my enthusiasm for the night sky, despite never meeting him. My first experience with astronomy was when I was allowed to pick one book when my parents took me to the Science Centre in Glasgow when it first opened, I chose a copy of Philip's Guide to Stars and Planets (1997) by Sir Patrick Moore. It turned out to be one of the best choices I've ever made. Sadly I can't find it, its pages were blackened due to sharpener dust from my school bag and the pages were tattered and curled, testimony to the hours I spent reading.

I didn't really take it in when my parents told me at dinner, so as soon as I'd finished my meal I put the scope out to cool. A good couple of hours spent peering at Caldwell Catalogue objects under great conditions (I like to think that he gave us nice clear skies for the last few nights as a parting gift) seems a fitting way to pay tribute to the man who has done so much for astronomy, both as a science and as a form of pure escapism.

While I'm sad that he's left us, its incredibly heartwarming to think that we've shared our time in history with such a charismatic, eccentric and selfless man and continue to benefit from his legacy. The world that he's left behind is a much nicer place to live in than a world where there never was a Sir Patrick Moore.

Rest in peace Sir Patrick, every time that there's a clear night and the stars beckon through my window, I'll remember you. :smiley:

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Dear all

I wanted to drop in and say thank you on behalf of the Sky at Night team for all these tributes to our friend Patrick. I know he would have enjoyed reading them himself (while denying, of course, that he was anything special). I'm another who owes a love of astronomy to listening to him speak, and many of the memories here could be mine too.

Do go out and work on the Moore marathon if you can.

Chris Lintott

PS Please don't ask about the future - there'll be time to think about that later. There's still one more program in the can with Patrick which will be shown in January.

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