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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Yesterday, looking at the storms on Sol! The observatory is still a WIP! Forgive my seminakedness, it's hot in Florida at 3:45 in the afternoon.
  2. It is amazing! It was so amazing I had SWMBO to come out and take a quick peek! My humble single image with my Canon prime focus is nothing compared to those I'm seeing here. But like the small fish I've caught, I still like them.
  3. Incredible detail of the spots! I believe Galileo said, I think there are storms on the sun's surface. But was told that's not possible! Haven't seen you post lately. Hope you are doing well.
  4. Yesterday afternoon I looked at the group, but the new AR had not appeared. It looks almost as large as the bigger one in the group.
  5. Isn't this true with us all??!! And yes, that is an excellent image!
  6. Congratulations to you and your son on a excellent imaging session on a difficult target. Looks you have a future astronomer as a helper!
  7. I've been following your progress and was pleasantly surprised to see Penelope! Congratulations to dad and grandpa! Be sure to time some wet concrete for her footprint.
  8. I don't know if mine is the same exact brand, but the two I have look identical and have performed perfectly for several years. My only problem is the battery cover can slip off easily leaving me walking the path looking for it. Might help if I carried less in my hands, or had 3 hands!🙂 I forgot to say they have been out numerous nights doing wide field meteor shots and still work great now.
  9. Must be really cloudy on that side of the pond. But I have enjoyed reading the humor. When I saw that article on face book all I could think was how they had to say "impacted the Earth" versus burnt up in the atmosphere. Will giraffes be listed on Stellarium so we can all start looking for them?
  10. Yes please! More images and details of the design.
  11. We had a weather system moving in so I could only get a few minutes observing thru sucker holes yesterday. In white light that is an impressive storm on the sun! The large single spot had disappeared, but the other spots were visible.
  12. Welcome, you have joined an amazing group. I'm a little South of you in the Tampa Bay area. I'm lucky, we're close to Bortle 4/3 but going downhill with the construction boom.
  13. That is definitely one mahoosive piece of equipment! Sorry Stu, but I didn't know if I would ever get the chance to actually use that word! Just couldn't let the chance pass!😁
  14. Amazing! I just can't imagine how steady your hand must be to sketch such detail.
  15. Absolutely amazing! You are going to keep it up till I have to get a real solar kit. Think I'll try, "please baby! You got your washer and dryer!" 😇
  16. Just order them from Florida! We are in the berry season. This week the Strawberry Festival, with her majesty the Strawberry Queen. Turn those lights off, help our economy!😁
  17. I am one of those who have always hated the time change. Back when I worked on a farm, just when hunting season would begin, time would change and I had to work later then not have time to get in the woods. Why can't we just split it down the middle and then call it quits?
  18. Wonderful images! I also enjoy viewing when the terminator is along this area. I wonder if the astronauts had time to take in the wonderful view as they approached their landing spot near Mt. Hadley.
  19. Thanks for all the info everyone. Sounds very interesting. I feel a little like Smeagle in The Lord of the Rings. Don't look at those things! We don't need one. Yes we do, they look so precious!
  20. Being old school, I'm still a little confused at how you imput some of the more complicated shapes. My inner voice right now! (Wait, you don't need another toy)
  21. Now you have me really curious! I think it was just this past Sunday I saw something similar. I couldnt image it with my phone, so I hurried to my observatory to try and get a look through the telescope. The sun coming up beat me though, so I couldn't see it. What I saw was bright enough to show in the morning twilight and almost looked as if there was two objects close together. I live in Florida USA so it can't be the same thing! It was too high for Venus. And it didn't move.
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