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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. This is what I have just been looking at Neil, so thanks for the images to refer to. If the gap between both areas is distance A. Have a look at 4 x A distance 110 degrees, observing this area, I have convinced myself something else is showing??? What do folks think from observing themselves, I am sure it's not a floater. I will mark up Neils image in a minute.
  2. Yep, looks a familiar sight, but a clear sky>>>? Sadly wall to wall cloud here as well. Doug if you get a clear sky, good luck and enjoy it my friend. Please do report back.
  3. Hi Folks Up for air at last from all this Pandemic work; so many folks are doing so much to make the UK keep running. Thank you to all Key Workers from myself and my family 👏. Any way the point of the post is, how many Astro Societies and Astro Clubs are trying virtual meetings or online chat etc. Clearly it's workable and the way forward while we correctly remain locked down to slow things. I appreciate this may not work for all. If folks are doing this, please post up so we as a community can see we are still up and running all be it in another way. Castle Point Astronomy Club CPAC. For starters, my Astro Group is holding a virtual meeting online each week at normal club times. Hosted via Microsoft Teams, 23 of us met on Wednesday evening to a talk on Nebulae. Very successful it was too and let us all join in, which is essential for all our sanity. Please let us know about your groups. Take care, be safe Alan
  4. Good call Dave. We all need to take care at present. Having an accident and needing medical attention now is a drain the NHS does just not need.
  5. I would add that any delivery now sits for 3 days before we open it at home. None of it's food at present.
  6. Paul I honestly think the buying and selling should halt. Many Astronomers are in the 'At Risk' groups and should be protecting themselves and others. Inline with my comment above I will withdraw my OOUK 10" straight forth. Just my 2p worth.
  7. Jeremy, I think you will be hard pressed to get observing hair my friend 😉 Or being kind, is that a typo?
  8. Thank you Dave for these thoughts and your experiences, very helpful.
  9. @Stu I see the equipment drought is truly over and you are acquiring a true bounty of fine optics. I look forward to your 4” festival.
  10. https://practicalastroshow.com/practical-astro-show-update/?fbclid=IwAR2HlcKqudmhDMC82pMBR0y9U6wlWAOsKL5unSpQH3YSLGVjV4t5ANebGP8 Date now rescheduled due to the virus outbreak.
  11. Folks please note it's been rescheduled: https://practicalastroshow.com/practical-astro-show-update/?fbclid=IwAR2HlcKqudmhDMC82pMBR0y9U6wlWAOsKL5unSpQH3YSLGVjV4t5ANebGP8 Sept 26th 2020 is now the date.
  12. The Photography Show at the NEC has been postponed until September, I would expect other shows that draw numbers together to touch and try etc. to consider similar actions. This is responsible action by Future who run the Photography show.
  13. Wanting cheaper may provide less or little protection and lead to damage to you scope, £65 to protect a valuable instrument is a wise investment for me. I use padded bags from Vixen and Lacerta, both work well and I trust them to protect my kit.
  14. Now all you and I need to do is see it Al!
  15. Alan White


    I studied Venus last night with the ED103s. But the seeing was pants, so no chance of detail. One day I will get that steady and transparent night when not working, one day.
  16. I had thought exactly the same thing as well, as a sufferer of next door overlighting on three sides for me, I feel your pain.
  17. There was a visible sun today? Sadly solid cloud and wall to wall rain here. Thanks for sharing Rusted.
  18. In my case its the lack of a suitable mount and additional funds for now, but......... you never know.
  19. Wonderful stuff, glad you have finally had first light and that all is good. These scopes are a temptation for many, myself included.
  20. I had no idea Venus had clouds, it's always so bright when observed. Great image and you learn something every day 👍
  21. Looks a very nice scope, many here have or have had one. It is a scope that has kerb appeal to me, I rather like its shorter FL but bigger aperture cousin the 150 f5.9. I do hope the solar work does not involve any hacking at such a fine looking scope.
  22. Blimey, you have a week away from Astro and look what happens...... All that nice guys to look at. Wonderful stuff chaps and chapesses.
  23. I am not at all surprised, we were down in Hereford last weekend to collect a used camper van. The journey down was interesting, the journey back was worse. The worst areas were Gloucestershire and Herefordshire that we drove through. I am truly sympathetic towards all who have been flooded, that must be awful to go through.
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