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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Care in the rootstock is very much a priority based on your situation. I was luckier here as I have the ground with a gentle fall from my observing area, oh and I know an arborist well so asked all the questions needed, perhaps I will need a fruit net for the cherry though. As you say pesky pigeons.......not quite what I call them but being polite 😊
  2. Yeah gads, what a blast from my childhood. Funny how the old grey matter gets confused though, I was certain dear old Tufty was a Fox!
  3. Thank you Paul, I was quietly dying from a Cold and saw this a while later, I was risen from the dead and took a quick look and wow, you were spot on, what a placement even a while later. Thanks, Astro exposure, although short was a good tonic, well until this morning that is.
  4. That looks to improve things with the tree/s gone. I would never consider you a β€˜thug’ for removing a tree for a valid reason, planting things back in it’s place that are better suited in height to your garden and needs is very admirable. Bonus will be lots of fruit if you can beat the birds to it.
  5. Has that got the correct foot for you telescope?
  6. RDF or Telrad or Rigel, all a great step in quick finding in my book. That said you can still get hopelessly lost though, I often do, but that's down to numpty, not the kit! What have you bought?
  7. I said it would look nice on that AZ100 now, innit pretty.
  8. I am in the same boat, but one day soon I hope. I have fondled it to death at both the IAS and Astrofest, Dave of Rowan photographed me alongside. Also shows the Stella Mira 80mm just for @johninderby
  9. @FLO, just keep bring out nice new items and John will order them πŸ˜‰ AZ100 and now ED80 f10.
  10. In the OOUK ones not much of a step in weight from 8 to 10, hence why I went for a 10.
  11. Looked very nice build when I walked past yesterday. A nicely engineered mount.
  12. So as a gateway product, that will not put you off, would the OVL and / or other flavours of branding, be a good starting point? Sorry this is a thread rejuvenate, but I looked at binoviewers at Astrofest yesterday, the Baader unit looked great, but my pockets are not that well lined.
  13. I think the 1999 Solar Eclipse is the one memory for me, but many others too. Unluckily I was at work that day, but managed to make the work day coincide with a certain Cambridgeshire USAF base site day. I managed to stop the entire workforce that I managed at the time and we all watched the eclipse, no cloud here (sorry John). It was something I had been desperate to see and see it I did. As others have said, the evening type of light, sudden plummet in temperature and the birds all confused was memorable as much as the eclipse itself. This event has stuck with many of that team, all long gone to newer pastures or for some 6ft under sadly, but whenever any of us meet up, it's the one thing that gets talked about and they start that conversation. The best days work / outreach I have ever had to date. Before this the weeks of Comet, Hale Bopp are a big memory too.
  14. Was my first AstroFest today, just did the Exhibition, which was more than enough to keep me happy for the day. I spent the day with Ed @NGC 1502, and crossed paths with fellow members of CPAC during the day. Lot's of nice kit, great show. Got to chat with Rob from FLO and Dave and Derek Rose of Rowan Astronomy again and play with that wonderful mount. Also looked at the new FLO scopes, which look rather nice indeed. My first but not last Astrofest. My good lady is relieved I have returned with just a few books.
  15. It did look rather nice at Astro Fest. It looked wonderful on the AZ100 as I posted earlier John. It will not be undermounted on that now, will it.
  16. Funny you should say that John, they did look good on one.
  17. Looking great Dave, now your hard graft starts with the wood bits. Was it a special type of 'Bock' work that they installed πŸ˜‚
  18. I went wow at the first images and wondered about you and NV. The next posting and the double NV had me choking on my Coffee. Congratulations on your lottery win.
  19. I am glad you are back into it Gina, nice to get your mojo back. πŸ‘ FLO are probably pleased too if you are spending.
  20. Great, I was hoping to see some of you again and look at some kit. All sounds most interesting.
  21. Nice quandry to have though Chris. You clearly are a patient chap, 6-9 months wait. wow.
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