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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. @AdeKing sounds familiar, my woodwork teacher referred to me as The Wood Butcher and has been proven frighteningly accurate ever since.
  2. As a gentleman observer without the correct surroundings πŸ˜‰ I can see your point, being β€˜me’ proof for most of us is THE most important point. I have a uncanny ability to do stupid things, so perhaps it’s me that needs a nice padded case to keep me safe instead.
  3. Or you stand trying to recall Alexas name for 5 minutes and then say Angela release the thingy on the wotsit πŸ˜‚
  4. Probably not...... so 🀞for your roof and everyone else's too.
  5. Age old query we all have regarding observing position. To sit or to stand? Until recently I have always observed seated as I have been using reflectors and alt az mount. This worked well until I have developed problems with my knees which will not be going away. Seated still works ok when seated, but standing and moving about sometimes ends in a fall when I miss my stool or seat! I know we have no cure for stupidity of course. Anyway, now using my refractor far more and trying to observe standing, which goes ok, but I find I spend shorter observing and more time just looking as the posture can need adjustment, add to that knocking the scope more readily is a touch annoying. Anyway sorry for the long story. Observing either alt az or gem, with a refractor, how do you observe and do you have any pictures? Tripod, pier, heights etc as much as seated etc. is of interest. Thanks for reading and I hope posting what you do.
  6. Just be careful as it might just disappear while you paint it if the Dr. is home!
  7. Thanks all, so not a nutty question to ask. I did foresee it would be a negative answer as it will not make too exciting an image, but an image it makes πŸ‘
  8. That's exactly it Craig, that is why you get longer, wider, rounder grips on forks, knives etc. for those with grip issues. ADM should be commended for this and it suggests they / he has some real life experience of this issue.
  9. For arthritic hands the longer circular grip would be beneficial. I have far less grip in my right hand than I used to have.
  10. That's good feedback John, shows the quality. I was wondering how one would be in real world use rather than 'show fondling' (pardon that expression please!).
  11. Something random popped into my head, I have to now venture to the dark side and ask...... Us visual guys and girls love double stars and the challenge of seeing and splitting them, so for imagers, does anyone do this imaging?
  12. What a great idea. For gloved use or those with arthritic hands, I see possibly something like this in my future. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adm-misc-mounting-accessories/adm-rosette-knob-hand-tool.html
  13. Shows that 'she' is a keeper then @johninderby
  14. Steve, so sorry to read this, that is not good at all, especially after the cover replacement. 🀞for the drying process, in this case patience will be called for. I have to say your situation is one of my main concerns holding me back from having a garden pier. I think I will have to try the charm on Mrs. W abou a push away again to protect the future pier project.
  15. Now that combination is a thing of beauty.
  16. Very nice ED150 πŸ‘πŸ‘ I look forward to the first light report.
  17. Best place for a melt down Daz πŸ‘ Confirms we all have brain fail moments and just cannot see what's wrong, this makes me feel far better and in good company.
  18. Indeed it is, now going ahhh, dats wot it iz!.
  19. In this wind, probably best use for it today.
  20. Hermes person has been and gone. I now have a used riser to join the one I cut down to 9" a few years ago, so have flexibility with mount heights. Thanks @Grumpy Martian.
  21. If I had a clue what one of those was and did, I would not be posting this line. Give us a clue? Thanks
  22. 22 degrees is enough to encourage me over the pond. Always interesting seeing familiar sights from different places.
  23. Is this because of the scope alone John or because its new and the moon is about at present? Not said as a put down on this fine scope, I rather like them. It's on my christmas list, but after the AZ100 and tripod.
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