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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Not quite yet the Dob I owned, but it is in the Classifieds at present. My OOUK 10" f4.8, very nice bit of kit.
  2. Yep AR2757, looked earlier and it made me hoot with joy.
  3. Happy Birthday in advance. And wow, that will be a nice mount indeed, now I realise why you held off the AZ100. I remember you saying you would like one a long time back, you have more patience than myself.
  4. I have just grabbed a look in WL. Yaaaay, my first 2020 solar observation and it's not a blank disc. Roll on cycle 25? or is that the wrong cycle number?
  5. Kindly 🤣, you did ask us to Charl!
  6. @Stu I thought some of the others such as @John and @mikeDnight etc were obsessed, however I think so far you take the prize for most mount / scope ownership shown on alt/az. That Vixen 150 managed to make the AZ-EQ6 look small!
  7. Nice to see a post from you Kev, look forward to the update.
  8. @paulastro interesting that you use an Ercole in your observatory. Is this on a pier?
  9. I do hope that is a red light candle, otherwise you might ruin your dark adaption 🤣
  10. @JamesF like the dew band. I have a number of W&W Astro bands and all work reliably and well. Barbera is a pleasure to deal with.
  11. Great thread John. Many the same as already here but.... Skywatcher AZ4, now long gone. Skytee 2, now long gone. Ercole Giro, Sadly long gone, miss this one a lot and miss the tripod too. My present Altair Sabre, like this one, the ST80 though is long past. As you might see like most here, I rather like an alt-az.
  12. I was going to grab a look but clouded out here ☁️
  13. First time I have read a positive thought on these Nick.. I sort of get what you say, but wait until more arrive over the coming 12 months.
  14. I bet it can to with some effort. Or is this a Pantomime moment, if so.......It's Behind You.
  15. All this Vixen kit on clearance, are they departing Astronomy? or Eyepiece production? I for one hope they are not, Irathr like Vixen kit.
  16. I am now going on Friday with Ed @NGC 1502 for the Exhibition. My first Astrofest as I am normally at the IAS each year and can only take so much temptation. Looking forward to it.
  17. Thanks chaps, that helps. As always a good idea to futureproof, but no cigar.
  18. I am considering an eq6 tripod for my Altair Sabre for extra height and rigidity, it would also fit the AZ100 if and when. So the question is, will it fit? And Has anyone here done it already? I am unsure on the sizes of holes and threads etc on the eq6 fitting.
  19. It’s a very expensive bottle opener perhaps?
  20. I am confused Fozzie, what are those marks, 'dust bunnies' perhaps? 😉 It's been so long since I have seen any activity, that I have stopped looking, naughty me, must now make an effort again.
  21. Thanks Wim, that makes a great deal of sense. I had not thought about the sliding the roof back issues and needing a winch.
  22. I have just this thread all the way through, what a great build. The knee injury had me curling my toes in sympathy, I have kneecap issues in both of my knees, so literally feel your pain, hope the recovery continues. That observatory design as used by Gorran and now you, is that a more usual design in your area?
  23. Very nice indeed Dave 👍 Be interesting how these behave after dark too though. As you say, what's not to like about things Vixen.
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