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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. Very nice Carole. Hard to believe an image like this is possible from London, the beauty of Ha filters.
  2. Great image Mick๐Ÿ‘
  3. Imx571 is aps-c sensor and 16 bit. Should be a cracking sensor. I'll be upgrading from my 071 when it's released. Zero amplifier glow too unlike the 294 which has horrible issues in that respect.
  4. Ohh dark sky in laws, the best kind. Great image๐Ÿ‘
  5. Very nice Mike. I like the background as you've presented.
  6. Hi. Yes as Peter says non rotating. I've been using it now for a few months and it makes focusing the Oag very easy.
  7. A new one for me. Very tasty. I can sympathise with the lack of clear sky. Clouded out here all of November, same last year.
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xe4n5781ez4reqx/IC434-MasterLight.tif?dl=0 Enjoy.
  9. If you want i can convert to .tif for you to download.
  10. Here's a quick process of data i downloaded courtesy of a tester on cloudynights. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/684805-zwo-asi533mc-pro-impressions-with-test-results/ Data is great, although i do see some calibration errors in the stacked file. Really looking forward to getting my hands on data with the Imx571 when it's available. Richard.
  11. Well congratulations on baby no. 2๐Ÿ‘ Pity about the imaging but it's understandable. If i had to travel i wouldn't get any imaging done. Thank you very much, in very good company then given the wonderful images on display here. Thanks Martin.
  12. Thanks Ciaran. I appreciate that. I noticed you had been quiet here. Are you imaging much?
  13. Thanks Mick. Glad you like it. Thanks Olly. Much easier i suspect to add it to a mosaic. Long focal length data added to widefield.
  14. Thanks Adam. It's quite feint and was only discovered in 2011 by French imager Nicolas Outters. Thank you Carole.๐Ÿ‘ Yes the cherry on top. Thanks Gorann.
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