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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. Pixinsight is great and has some wonderful tools DBE, Starnet, scnr etc. Comparing it to APP however is a little odd as APP is really just image integration software with a couple of handy tools. The light pollution removal is exceptional. Pixinsight is everything you need in one package to integrate and process. I think it's worth getting to grips with layers based software too such as Gimp or PS
  2. Thanks Steve. Just realised the mosaic includes Oiii for the squid provided by Olly so ignore the squid.
  3. 9 panel mosaic about 35 hours. 150 second subs with a zwo asi071. Esprit 100. Bortle 4/5 Some below a mixture of Tak Epsilon and Esprit, all with the asi071. All 150 second subs. Varying integration times from 5-10 hours. Richard
  4. Very attractive looking image. Love the blue nebulosity, really stands out. I actually prefer the first version although it looks like magenta is a bit strong in the red channel.
  5. Thanks. I think you would be better off with the 071 or this over the 294. The 294 has horrible amp glow and there can be issues with calibration. Beware that the 071 has frosting issues too so the qhy version would be the one to go for between the two. Thank you very much. Definitely would suit your sky, mine is bortle 4/5, should pair nicely that focal length too. As far as i know they're short of supply which could be a good thing as issues could well be found later. I got one of the first batch and took a risk buying it. Thanks Adam, glad you like it. Thanks Mick. Thanks Mick. I'd say you're right. Thanks Martin, that was actually my favorite part of the image.
  6. Thanks Simmo. It's certainly looking promising Thanks Ciarán. The Esprit is a wonderful scope. I only use the filter when i image in one direction where there's a street lamp. No need everywhere else and colour balance is better without. You're probably right about the blur but as i've yet to sort the calibration files i will be revisiting. I just noticed that i applied sharpening to the whole image accidently🤣
  7. Thanks Carole Thanks Nikolas. This is roughly bortle 4/5. At 8/9 you may be better served with a mono camera. I used an ir filter. Thanks very much Steve. Thanks. Glad you like it.
  8. Thanks Adrian. Glad you like it. I thought i was going bold with the colour😂
  9. Hi all. New camera arrived on Friday morning and would you believe it the forecast was clear for Friday and Saturday night. Camera is an Aps-c 26mp 16 bit. It has an internal dew heater with 3 settings high/medium/low and so far so good i cooled to -10 without any sign of dew or frost on the sensor and it was very humid here over the weekend. I managed to gather 136 frames over the two nights at 240 seconds a frame. I used a gain of 0. Esprit 100 mounted on an AzEq6 I'm struggling with calibration in APP at the moment so no flats/darks/bias. My darks seem to adding a blue cast to the image. Not the cameras fault as i had the same issue recently with my 071. Richard.
  10. You're thinking along my lines as i tried that too but same issue pretty much warning about channels Yes. Same as telling it to assign masters to lights Thanks for that, i interpret as you have. Need to look in to this more as my darks really shouldn't alter the colour i would've thought.
  11. Yes this is what i was trying to do. I've always calibrated with force Cfa ticked in the past but recently i've noticed my darks are adding a blue colour cast to the image. I decided to try this way and when i used just the darks and calibrated before debayering it worked well with no colour cast. It just won't let me use the flats this way. That linear and calibrated view is very handy i agree. I assign my previously created masters to the lights.
  12. I was hoping someone could help me out with APP. I image with a colour camera and i was trying to sort out my calibration steps. I create a master flat bias subracted and leave the force cfa disabled (in other words undebayered) Same with my master dark. Load all lights again undebayered Calibrate Star analyse Now i force cfa rggb for my camera Register Now here is where the issue is, i try to normalise and a warning comes up that flat calibration is not possible as lights have 3 channels and flat is single channel. Any ideas? Richard
  13. Thanks Dave. The resolution on this camera is great, much better than my 071. Time will tell if it was a worthwhile upgrade. I imagine it would pair very well with that Sharpstar, beautiful looking instrument btw. Any first light for us yet? Richard.
  14. Yes good night, hopefully fog stays away tonight too. I image with an Esprit 100, all that gear in my sig has been sold apart from the AzEq6. I've tried to update it but i can't some error due to the badges i think. 5 hours 240 second subs gain 0 -10 Autostretch in APP. No processing done or calibration Unstretched to show dynamic range
  15. I managed to get about 5 hours on Orion. Forecast is clear for tonight so i think I'll keep going. No calibration data yet hopefully get some today.
  16. Will do. Gathering subs on Orion at the moment. All worked as expected, all i had to do was unscrew the 071 and replace with the new camera. Same back focus so no messing around. One thing i've noticed is that my HFR has shot up, i assume that's because of the smaller pixels.
  17. Fabulous image Peter. You do like to punish yourself with these dim targets. I'm glad you do however as it's nice to see something different.
  18. I've a new camera coming tomorrow and i also have 5 panels of a 6 panel mosaic complete. I want to test the new camera and was wondering if I'll be able to register the 6th panel given the pixels are smaller and there are more of them. Do i need to change the image size so the dimensions match?
  19. Hopefully i made the right choice of manufacturer.
  20. Took a chance on the Asi2600. Arrives tomorrow. Forecast showing clear all weekend. Surely that can't be right can it?😁
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