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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. That's a great improvement on your Mk 1 which was already fantastic. I did have to go searching for it so it might help for comparison to have a link here or the original image for us lazy buggers.
  2. Thanks David. My mistake was to copy the folder rather than the files into the bin folder.
  3. Thanks Carole. Ha is quite feint, i got 10 hrs and needed it. Thanks Alan. I assume you know about Dso Browser? https://telescopius.com/telescope-simulator
  4. Hi Dave. Thanks for that. I'm struggling with how to download into the Pixinsight directory and then installing it in Pixinsight.
  5. Thanks Graham. I know what you mean. I like to use the ha as background to the reflection so i prefer if it doesn't intrude.
  6. No. I believe dark flats should be taken in place of bias. So you should be calibrating your flats with dark flats and stacked to create a master flat. Then when you stack your lights you use your master dark and master flat. What's probably happening with your flats is they're effectively being bias subtracted twice ie first with dark flat and then with bias.
  7. Why did you take bias and dark flats? I highly recommend Astro Pixel Processor. There's an excellent gradient removal tool under remove light pollution. I have Pixinsight and DSS and the results i get stacking in APP are in another league.
  8. That's Webo 1 http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/universe/webo-1-a-strange-planetary-nebula.html
  9. Nice images Alan. I have two questions. Did you take flats and what stacking program do you use?
  10. That's a great image. Love the stars, and because they're so good the nebula really shines.
  11. When adding the Ha to the rgb you sometimes get a pinkish cast in areas where there is Ha but also reflection nebula something i've done before with the Horsehead Nebula in the flame area. A simple fix using an eraser on the area affected with the rgb as a layer underneath.
  12. Thanks Alex. This image has 10 hrs of Ha at f/2 and the Witchhead is at f/3.3 so not really that short. Thanks Mick. I'm not sure there's much more to image in this area
  13. Thanks Carole. Yes there were satellite trails in every sub but since i had many short subs and with the help of Astro Pixel Processor i didn't have to give them a second thought. The biggest issue for me was how low down in the sky it was when i attempted it.
  14. 🤪 I've a hard enough time keeping one working never mind three.
  15. I hated to sell but it needed to be with it's own kind. Is it getting on with the others?
  16. Thanks Rodd. 🤣 I look forward to seeing one completed.
  17. Thanks Dave. I've seen some refer to it as the Gecko Nebula, very American. Certainly has a snakey/lizardy look about it. Thanks. I was trying to be gentle with the data.
  18. Appreciate that, thanks Adam. Do i miss the the Epsilon? Well yes and no, with a permanent setup i will buy one again. The collimation is straight forward but i found i needed to adjust very frequently because i had to move it around alot( i image using a pier and the scope comes in when not in use). I miss the speed yes but i don't miss the spikes. Hopefully the Esprit proves to be a nice compromise.
  19. Lovely images Olly. I remember the original when you posted it. Such a great region to shoot.
  20. Thanks Bryan. Glad you like it. Thanks Olly. Yes i agree Ha would certainly lift this. Thanks Dave. I miss many images too, sometimes the forum is very busy and images slip down quickly. Now that you mention it, it's quite a while since you've posted an image here.
  21. This is a part of Sh2-126 a very feint star forming region in Lacerta. Estimated to be 1200 ly from earth. The source of it's ionisation is the intense ultraviolet radiation of the star 10 Lacertae, a blue main sequence star. The rgb for this was captured over 3 nights and from two locations. I spent a lovely few days in a dark sky reserve in the west of Ireland. Unfortunately the weather didn't play ball but i did manage 2 hours of data while there. The remaining 5hrs was captured at home. 7hrs in 150 second subs at gain 50 and -5C with the Asi 071 through my Esprit 100 10hrs of Ha with the Asi 1600 gain 139 at -20C through a Samyang 135 using an Astrodon 5nm Ha filter. Mounted on an Az Eq6 Captured with Sgpro and processed in Pixinsight, APP and PS. Stacked in APP. Hope you like it. Richard. New version without the pink in the lizard. Original
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