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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. Ya i used PS, blurred it using blur and then blur more. Definitely lost some colour in the process, must go back to that. Does down sampling help with noise?
  2. @XigaTried your approach of blurring. Any better?
  3. Sorry i missed your reply. Thanks for that, i think this target works well in widefield, lots of lovely dust.
  4. Ah stop it you're making me blush. Hope you enjoy the data.
  5. Very nice images despite the low elevation.
  6. Thanks for the tip Ciarán, i'll give it a go and post my effort. Have you had a chance to use the QHY yet?
  7. Very nice of you to say Adam. Given the results Ciarán gets with his dslr it should be very interesting to see what he can get out of that QHY.
  8. Hi. I started this in early December and completed the final panel in late February. I made the mistake of thinking that 3 hours per panel would be sufficient. If i were to start again i would push that to at least 5. Noise was a big issue here with all that feint dust but i feel i just about made it work. Stacked and combined in APP Processed in APP, PI and PS. 5 panels were with the Asi 071 and the final upper right corner panel was completed using the Asi2600. All captured using my Esprit 100 mounted on an AzEq6. Subs were of 150 second duration for a total imaging time of 18hrs Richard
  9. Lovely image Adam, great detail in the Needle.
  10. Wowsa, very nice Brendan.
  11. That looks great. Background is tough as there's lots of IFN in the background as seen in this lovely image
  12. Thanks Noddy. Thanks Ciarán. I don't think there's IFN in this region, maybe it's a processing artifact. I'll take another look. Thanks ZiHao, nice of you to say. Thank you Alan, definitely worth shooting galaxies at 805mm.
  13. Thanks Adam, that's the beauty of a widefield galaxy image. Did you spot the interacting ones? I would love a longer focal length to really get some detail but until i manage to get a permanent setup then the Esprit is as heavy an instrument as i care to be lugging in and out. Thank you Michael.
  14. Hi all, here's my second image from last weeks clear spell. 12hrs in 180 second subs shot with the Asi 2600mc through an Esprit 100, mounted on an Az Eq6. Processed in PI, PS and App. Good health to all. Richard.
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