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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. Those images taken with the 533 look very promising indeed.
  2. Hi Gina. Before i sold mine i got decent results using unity gain with 150 second subs at f/2 and 300 second subs at f/5.5 with a ha filter 5nm. I tried 30 and 60 second subs at higher gains but i found the results to be superior with the longer subs at unity.
  3. It's only better on paper and quite a bit more expensive. Have you come across any images taken with one?
  4. Generally speaking that's is true however a quick internet search shows some issues with frosting/dew on the Qhy version too. There're also plenty of folks using the 071 without issue. I have a 071 pro which is a great camera but if i push it beyond -10 it can frost. I use it at -5 because there's very little to gain going beyond that. Either version should serve you well.
  5. https://astronomy-imaging-camera.com/product/zwo-filter-drawer-m42
  6. Very nice. You managed to pull quite a bit out of that given the limited colour data.
  7. Many thankings Paul Thanks Ragnar. I find if the forecast is for clear sky then i get very excited and if it doesn't happen after setting up and waiting it's quite disappointing. If i've already commited to something else then i just think oh well next time.
  8. Thanks, i don't think you'd get away with that little data on any other target. It's just so bright. Most targets i've been imaging lately you can't even see with a single sub so it was refreshing to have a go at this. Thanks Ian. Can be hard to take advantage of those gaps in the cloud at short notice especially at this time of year. Thank you Michael
  9. Thanks. I look forward to seeing yours. I did manage 3.5 hours earlier in the night on panel 5 of a 6 panel mosaic i'm working on so i did ok. Still i was looking forward to getting some serious data on M42.
  10. Happy Christmas everyone. Managed 35 minutes on the 24th before the clouds rolled in. Very disappointing as a full clear night was forecast. 14 150 second subs with my Asi 071 through an Esprit 100 mounted on an Az Eq6 Processed in PI, APP and PS Cropped to show just Orion. Richard.
  11. The makings of a fine image there. It really is a great target, that image you referred to on Astrobin is a beaut.
  12. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/687581-qhy268c-beta-has-landed/
  13. If it lives up to the specs, then yes definitely. A Osc camera and an Epsilon are made for each other especially with your dark sky. The only concern about the Epsilon with a largish sensor like this makes spacing, collimation and focus even more critical. I never managed nice round stars all the way to the edges with mine, in fact i don't think i've ever seen an image taken with one and a large sensor which doesn't have some sort of star distortion.
  14. Interesting. Qhy quoting 60000 full well and zwo quoting 50000. What am i missing?
  15. Wonderful. That's a remarkable improvement on the original. Starnet is a great tool to have. I use it on every image now. Makes for tiny stars.
  16. Did you use flats? I find it best to stack each panel separately. Then stitch together. This saves a huge amount of time. If they're evenly illuminated then 1st or 2nd degree with 4 or 5 iterations. If that doesn't work i then try 4/5 degree with the same amount of iterations and so on.
  17. It could be worth disconnecting the guide cam from the Usb hub (assuming you haven't already) , i've had issues there in the past. Any time i've had dropped frame issues it's been either a Usb hub, dodgy usb lead or two applications connecting to the camera simultaneously. Usually phd connecting to imaging cam instead of guide cam.
  18. Any update on this camera? Seems it's now available for pre order from Zwo. Interested in price. Regards, Richard.
  19. One of my favorite targets done very well indeed. I'm chipping away at this one too, a lot of data needed as it really is feint.
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