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Everything posted by Star101

  1. My neighbour is of the striped perfection type....So I never cut straight . Your garden looks just the type Gardeners World keeps telling us to create for the insects and other wildlife....Looks like you have done a great job there
  2. When replacing the removable mirror, be careful to align that notch with the recess. If you miss align them, you may manage to slip the mirror back into location and jam it. So you cannot adjust anything.( Voice of experience here - Had to wait until the air temperature changed to allow me to pull the misaligned mirror back out and place it back correctly.)
  3. I reprocessed this to conform to other images I see online. Personally, I still prefer the original posting above
  4. My first subject for tonight was 2x binning again. Quick process before bed. B347 15 x 120s @2xBin SHO ZWO ASI183MM PRO TS65Q on MESU 200 Processed in Pixinsight. Thanks for looking.
  5. To put some kind of perspective on the size of space... Voyager 1 left Earth in 1977. By 2017 it managed to get 140AU away. (AU is the distance between Earth and Sun ) Over 13 Billion miles away. Travelling at 10 miles per second..It's only just left the Solar System. There is not much between our Solar System and the nearest star...4 light years away. It will take 1000's of years before Voyager gets even close to another star. That's how vast space is and how small in comparison Earth is. If there were lots of stuff floating around in space....We would not see stars due to the stuff floating around. Therefore, Its because there is so little out there that we can see such distant objects. If you are really interested...Take a look at this
  6. Thanks don4I, Yes, it was satisfying. I will definitely try this again. I need to redo the Dark library. I could only manage -16C at lunchtime. But the image was taken at -20C. I'm sure if I redo them I will get a better image. My next thought is...If this is just one hour, what would several hours look like ! I'm looking forward to some clear skies and more experimentation lol.
  7. While I was waiting for another object to come into view I decided to experiment a little with Binning. Soul Nebula 10 x 120s, 2x Bin (1 hour total ), SII/Ha/OIII 3nm Astrodon Tru Balance and ZWO 183mm Pro. TS65Q 460mm f/6.5 Mesu 200 Pixinsight Thanks for looking.
  8. I think, as long as the histogram is left of center, it will be ok for starters.
  9. Yes, back for me too. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. Tried to visit Astrobin.com and getting Gateway error Bad Gateway 502. Anyone else having this problem? Or has my ISP blocked me from visiting this sexy site?
  11. Impressive for a OSC camera. That filter really does help.
  12. Very impressive. I have the mono....I would love to get that kind of image.
  13. From my attempts. I enjoyed working with your data. It's much better than mine lol. How many subs and what length where they?
  14. Taken last night and several attempts at processing today....This is my fav so far. 17 x 300s SII,Ha and OIII 3nm Astrodon Tru Balance ZWO ASI183mm Pro, TS65Q, Mesu 200. Thanks for looking
  15. This is where BBC appears to have got the info from. Water vapour on Exoplanet
  16. Here in the UK. with so few clear nights, I would feel guilty missing a clear night, no matter if I am ill or well! If I did not then maybe I'm in the the wrong hobby. But the practicality of it dictates that if feeling under the weather, don't look up Glad you are feeling better and hope you have many more clear skies soon ! Dave
  17. Blame the wife!!!😱 I hope she does not read this 🤪 I found this info. You dont say what model scope you have so its the best I can do. Manual
  18. In my honest opinion - As said above...Preserve your sanity....Get a cheap windows laptop...A basic cheap laptop. Fast CPU speed is not needed for controlling cameras and mounts. You will save yourself a lot of headaches and time.
  19. Thats a very nice sharp Moon
  20. Before I built the ROR Shed with Mesu 200 mount permanent setup I used to have the NEQ6 setup in the garden as my Avatar shows. The cover is a BBQ cover from B&Q....About £10 or less. Worked fine for a good 18 months.
  21. I had issues with my rigs laptop a couple of weeks ago...Fortunately I was trying to make Flats at the time...Windonts10 decided everything would run very slow until I rebooted...and yes, you got it....install updates.....About 90 minutes later I got control of my laptop back!! And win Pro...forget it...Several times recently, my work laptop, does updates without asking! One morning I had to wait a couple of hours for the updates to finish before I could use it.....Honest Boss 😇
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