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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Well I'm glad to say there's a good chance I'll be finishing M63, then I'll move onto NGC 6960, as long as the your cloud doesn't wend its way here....
  2. For me, it looks clear with odd conn trial, but time will tell.... I just want to finish a sequence on M63.... started months ago !!
  3. but you said you've changed the motor ??
  4. pity the poor builder in this heat..... well here in Surrey...
  5. its either the motherboard or the cabling to the motor, if you've changed everything else.....
  6. How long have you had the problem with the DEC motor ?? especially if you've been changing almost everything ….. but to identify the problem part, the first thing I would do would be to drop out the hand controller, but this means driving the mount from a computer directly, are you able to do this ?
  7. usually for Skywatcher the driver board, motor outputs, use the same type of connector, so you can swap them there (carefully not shorting anything).
  8. In your slicer, make sure the thin wall thickness is being detected & 'fattened' up.... I don't know if you are using Slic3r but Prusa's version is loads better & not just for the Prusa printers....(https://www.prusa3d.com/prusaslicer/)
  9. I don't have one, but a few things to try, swap the RA & DEC cable connections, that will at least tell you if its the motor or driver board. is your voltage +13v DC and stable ? How old is the mount? is it just high speed are the slower speeds also playing up ??
  10. you maybe able to do it if you ran VNC with 2 or more virtual machines.... ??
  11. Yea, I know, I have a few from my Beeb days.... its just another thing on my to-do list...
  12. I hope its on their 'list to do', but the first issue must be properly identifying the 'correct' camera if you have two identical, which should be a Linux issue, but I wouldn't hold out much hope for it being soon, especially as it may well entail getting ZWO to treat its cameras as individuals, as opposed to generic types.
  13. …… leading on from the colour transmission system, the starting point of the signal, i.e. the television camera, especially in the early days, was based around a 3 monochrome camera system, i.e. RGB, where each camera being fed by the appropriate colour light, that had been split by a dichroic mirror, into its RGB components.... now there's a thought for a full bandwidth 3 way system, an OCS with 3 mono cameras....
  14. All the talk of RGB addition\subtraction takes me back to the days of colour television, where to actually be able to transmit a 'colour' signal, various processes were devised, that split and transmitted a 'full' bandwidth luminance signal, together with an additional signal containing the colour difference signal(s), where everything was re-assembled at the receiver.... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAL)
  15. Surprisingly, the earlier stiff on-off breeze has dropped & it not looking too bad, so I'll chance my arm.... https://www.metcheck.com/HOBBIES/astronomy_forecast.asp?zipcode=kt15+1ss&locationID=59338&lat=51.4&lon=-0.5
  16. I realize there must be some level of complexity, but.....
  17. Which AV ?? but to stop it happening in the future, add a directory exclusion for APT and its working directories....
  18. Paint brush cleaner, white spirit, IPA, will all remove the adhesive.....
  19. On my Prusa, I use: First layer remainder Extruder 240 250 Bed 85 90 Fan 30% 50% hope you can decode the values....
  20. I wish you luck, it was forecast to be clear here (Surrey), but there's loads of high cloud rolled in grrrrr
  21. Nope, you don't drive in manually, its only for motor movement.... The stubs you see are only there for adjustment purposes.
  22. Like Dave, I've gone for the Startech "Industrial" hubs i.e. https://www.startech.com/Cards-Adapters/USB-3.0/Hubs/~ST7300USBME
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