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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Yeah, they appear to have come my way.... but I wish you all the best.
  2. For guiding, as long as you've adjusted the guide camera to be roughly focussed with the main camera, small deviations won't matter.... in fact there's a train of thought that says the guide camera should be slightly de-focused..
  3. I did say it was very simplistic, I was just trying to point out the control signal direction. Personally, I wouldn't bother with ST4. If there's a computer around that will be running PHD2 and storing pictures, then its a very small step to setup a complete system to drive\guide mount etc. using readily available free software....
  4. Go for Robert Browns Focuser & Rotator, they just work, whether that's in Windows\Linux etc.....
  5. On a VERY simplistic level, what I think you are trying to achieve is as below, i.e. the ST4 output camera is fed through an Optocoupler, for protection of the Motor Drive Control components, which themselves could comprise an Arduino Nano & DRV8825 drive board, which in turn drive the RA stepper motor....
  6. Then the ST4 camera output would 'drive' whatever you are using to drive the stepper motor.... Have a read through this site https://www.astroeq.co.uk/tutorials.php its what I used to make my EQ5 fully goto etc. In theory you could just use the RA section.....
  7. no, you'd just plug the ST4 output from the camera, directly into the ST4 port on the mount....
  8. Lot !! how is the Arduino connected to the computer ?? and have you programmed it to do what you want ? if you can give a sketch of what you're trying to achieve, with all connections.....
  9. If you've had a recent windows update then definitely check that all the USB power-saving\sleep settings are disabled....
  10. Check power & USB leads especially if they 'move' (a little may cause a disconnect) which version of SGPro? as some of the betas' have issues... as your on Win 10 make sure that the USB ports are configured to NOT go into standby (in device manager)
  11. I don't know the camera, but from what I've seen on QSI site, the guider port is pre the filters, so won't be affected....
  12. Although I had a better night, except for the early part where I wanted to finish 2 sequences, but nothing would play ball A sequence for NGC7331 at least gave me some data to play with, but it needs to complete the sequence..
  13. If you have a 3D printer, you could always print your own to suit, it's what I've done....
  14. ohhhh I'd be sooo tempted to flood\crack the link & re-divert.....
  15. …. in the end it all comes down to "have I captured an image that I'm happy with !!" whether that be with OSC\Mono\Mono & filters etc, its all horses for courses.... with all the other complications in this 'sport', getting something recognisable, is a triumph in itself.
  16. Unfortunately even though most of the SBC's are getting\have USB 3.x ports, quickening the image 'download' from camera, there will still be holdups writing the data to 'disk' whether that is local or over the network to a SAN, which would be considerably slower using wifi….
  17. I would have thought it would be better to have 2 supplies anyway, a 'clean' supply for the mount\signal systems and a 'dirty' supply for all the ROR\environmental systems, where the only thing they then share is a common\gnd point....
  18. why is Gnd lifted from 0v ?? wouldn't it be better fitting it in place\additional to the fuse after the battery.....
  19. yes, the toolkit is just for testing & 'locks' EQMod into a single use mode..... Start PHD2, & if configured correctly for your mount, you should then be able to connect to it, then the EQMod window will open …..
  20. What is starting EQmod ? your planetarium software or something else ? PHD2 and all other client software will re-use the EQMod service that is running, unless you've started in an isolated stand-alone mode.....
  21. I just feed mine off the same as the mount\heaters\focusers etc. i.e. a 12v\10A PC power supply output... not had any issues
  22. It looks like I was a little luckier, as my last Si2 image was @ 3:30'ish, but then it went down hill....
  23. Well, I've set everything up for NGC 6960, so lets see what I get in morning.... night peeps !!
  24. If you have a practical bent, then Robert Brown's controllers work very well with all software (https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinoascomfocuserpro2diy/) I've built a few and they all work well...
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