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Everything posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Why ?? I've not had any issues installing 2004 on 3 desktops, 2 laptops & 3 mini terminals (both Workstation Pro & Server ) .... also just remember to check than the USB ports haven't reverted to 'sleep' mode...
  2. Yes, a Win 10 update, will also update default system drivers, usually including hardware drivers, if you've enabled them, and for your info, there has been a large update recently issued to version 2004. To find out which version you have, if you right click on the "Window" icon, and select "run". In the Open: box, type winver, which should then open an About Windows display box.
  3. I meant windows video\screen drivers and is SharpCap the latest version (3.2.6383.0) ??
  4. Have a look out for Moore & Wright (https://www.bowersgroup.co.uk/product-range/moore-wright.html/) very accurate & long lasting....
  5. Have the video drivers been updated recently ?? and you're keeping the same screen resolution ? (I use 1920 x 1080)
  6. try cleaning out "C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\SharpCap\CaptureProfiles" and re-create your profile
  7. For all my fan needs I buy Noctua's (https://noctua.at/en/products/fan) as I find they are the quietest\most efficient ....
  8. I don't know 'freeshuttercount' (I use Magic Lantern which is free & much more useful, and easily removed (https://magiclantern.fm/)) so don't know if it loads\modifies the boot software on the camera ?? If it does, as well as updating the computer drivers, then you'll need to reverse all changes\updates made to the camera, this can usually be done by booting the camera and holding specific keys down while powering up (follow this guide https://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1205511)....
  9. Do you have the EOS utilities installed ?? if so, then you should be able to connect & control the camera via a USB connection
  10. Sounds like you'll need to un-install the driver that freeshuttercount installed...
  11. Does the camera actually work & is able to save images to the memory card ? also have you tried connecting the camera to a different computer ?
  12. Try removing the memory card, re-formatting it, on a computer, then re-insert.
  13. As long as you ensure that all surfaces are at the same potential (usually 0v) then you should have no issues..
  14. For Skywatcher parts, look on OVL (Optical Vision Limited) the importers even FLO, may be able to help. Another method, if you have the appropriate equipment, would be to 3D print one....
  15. The simplest would probably be a "Tod Morden Pier" which is comprised of blocks joined end to end, so can go as high as you like, failing that I've used AirCon ducting filled with concrete & sunk into the ground....
  16. Just to clarify, the latest version is v3.1.18 and not v3.1.8, it does get confusing....
  17. It seems your in luck, they printed ok.... I make no guarantees as to the sizing accuracy of the Thingiverse part, now I just need the address of where to send it (contact me directly not on the open forum)
  18. Ahh, I was looking for a test piece, so I'm printing one now, if it comes out ok, I'll send it to you.....
  19. If you are looking at CAD packages, this one from RS is pretty good & being free... https://www.rs-online.com/designspark/our-10th-birthday-gift-to-you-ds-mechanical-v5-0
  20. No, auto guiding requires two cameras (imager\guider) as the images taken use different exposure lengths, e.g. the imaging camera typically takes approx. 5-10 minute images (CMOS), whereas the guide camera typically takes images every 5-15 seconds....
  21. If you are dropping a volt over relatively short cables, then I'd be very suspect as to the suitability\quality\fabrication of those cables and connectors, leaving aside the power supply and its capabilities... At home, I run all my gear from a PC PSU, which drives everything, i.e. the PC, USB hubs, mount, cameras, focusers etc. & I've never had any issues with insufficient power.
  22. to stop any issues with corrosion, I'd recommend getting some A4 Stainless Steel screws\bolts e.g. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/M4-4mm-CAP-SCREWS-HEX-SOCKET-ALLEN-KEY-BOLTS-A4-MARINE-GRADE-STAINLESS-STEEL/360675943888
  23. Take your pick (when you've worked out input\output connectors, displays, fuses\trips etc.) https://uk.farnell.com/w/c/enclosures-racks-cabinets/enclosures-boxes-cases?ost=enclosure
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