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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. I thought the "Blue Snowball" was (NGC 7662) or am I thinking of a different one.
  2. Brilliant Nick some great objects there my nemesis "Tegmine" I have not split yet, Clear here for half an hour then clouds rolled in then clear then clouds didn't know which way to turn. I ended up saying no point disappointed but not much you can do. I had "Avery`s Island" on my list I was looking forward to this as it was a first for me.
  3. It's always better to look through less glass I. E without the Barlow you can then see more clearly, a good Barlow is an asset better on clear transparent nights. You could check here https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/the-cambridge-double-star-atlas-2nd-edition.html I have the first edition as a PDF not sure I could email that with it being 15.6mbs I will look later maybe able to upload it to Dropbox.
  4. Excellent report great you got out.
  5. Cheers John I have been thinking about getting another wedge and heard good things about the lacerta. Thinking about the lacerta it means I will have to buy 3 filters polarising, IR and a continuim so getting expensive I may just get a lunt herschel wedge and a continuum filter cheaper in the long run. Thank you very much John really appreciate it.
  6. http://web.archive.org/web/20170419050003/http://astronomy.eaglecreekobservatory.org/doubles/ Here is that link I said I would post to you.
  7. On the side of these wedges it says a infra red filter is recommended now if I buy one and a single polarising filter in what orientation would I need to mount these. IR first or Polarising first. Thank you for any imput.
  8. Doubles are easy on not so good nights if you pick the right ones if you look out and think won't be seeing galaxies tonight doubles are your friend. Get a good double book Sissy hass or Cambridge double star atlas which will help you. When I go on the computer I will post you a link to a site that has loads of doubles by constellations.
  9. Rigel is hard to split with it being a high mag star but the component is quite a bit dimmer. 0.3 and 6.8 have to good clear night with very good transparency I've tried with my 5" Refractor which Hass says will split it at 62x magnification but I couldn't. I would invest in a couple of more eyepieces 8mm and a lower mag a 18mm Great report some good targets there.
  10. I have seen hints of green in the Orion Nebula in my 5" Refractor obviously when I had my 8" Reflector it was much more noticeable.
  11. Nice one Neil cannot believe someone put the sticker on wrong way. Glad it came off easy.
  12. I need some new boots I have leather walking boots and wear these with them but my feet and toes still get cold. I wear a neck warmer that works a treat keeping the heat in. https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/HHMSBK.html?source=adwords&ad_position=&ad_id=315107931576&placement=&kw=&network=u&matchtype=&ad_type=&product_id=HHMSBK&product_partition_id=933541609642&campaign=shopping&version=finalurl_v3&gclid=CjwKCAiAi_D_BRApEiwASslbJ3a6FGEjTqztmaA-1b6HKnUH9HwzdgdImlfcZxV6_0vfoXKVm0x5ARoCfpUQAvD_BwE I have been looking for some fur lined moon boots but not come across any in my price range.
  13. I may be missing something but I have a EQ5 Pro and have not aligned my polar scope and finder scope. I have aligned the polar scope with the mount and then used a building about . 5 of a mile away then aligned my finder scope on that then just checked it on a star later. https://www.myastroscience.com/polar scope calibration. This is for the EQ6 but it is the same principle. https://lovethenightsky.com/how-to-align-a-finderscope/. This for your finder. I'm at 53°
  14. No female Rca To male 2.5/5.5 I have one a female Rca to a 2.1/5.5mm male which works with my power pack but won't fit my battery box I really wanted a solid cable not to fix one up I've done that before but wires kept breaking off very annoying. Other than that I will get a panel mount socket to fit in my battery box.
  15. I would love That Mike as soon as I have had my ops and can move better I will let you know to make arrangements Thankyou Paul
  16. I dont need a big dob I dont need a big dob I dont need a big dob I must keep saying that. Great report Mike everything I have no chance of seeing except M81/M82 and double cluster now get back to my prayer I dont need a big dob I dont need a big dob
  17. Has anyone got an idea where I can get a female RCA jack to 2.5/5.5mm dc power adapter or short cable please.
  18. I did it was worse before if it could get any worse they came out and put this shield on and this is the result.
  19. I have not had a chance to try my Tal or my 5" on it yet my light pollution has got worse I have a UHC filter which I can try when I see it to darken the background. I had a great viewing of it in the 8" but that was 2.5 years ago I am restricted to the area I can view I can see East and SE limited South is out the question as is west North is not bad but some nights I cannot see all the stars in Ursa Major as the house is in the way. To see M1 I need the weather when it is in the East or slightly SE after that I have no chance. This Lamp is directly south.
  20. I have only ever seen the Crab Nebula once in a 8" reflector I have not had chance to look for it with my 5" Refractor I don't hold out much hope in my light polluted skies but there is always a chance.
  21. When it comes on what is the number of the firmware maybe an update will cure the problem.
  22. I'd love a big dob I looked through Damians and was blown away but a bit more expensive than a £140 camera lol.
  23. I wasn't planning on spending loads of money and I would probably need a new scope F5 or less. I was just going to give it a go and see then maybe then expand.
  24. I was hoping to do some DSO`s not like the horse`s head things like M13, M57, M42 clusters and things like that brighter objects.
  25. I am thinking of dipping my toe into the world of astrophotography. I have looked at this https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-cameras/zwo-asi120mc-s-usb-3-colour-camera.html I have an older laptop which has not got USB 3 would this still work and if so can you recommend software I would need please. I have two refractors a Tal 100rs and a Meade LXD55 127 emc. Thank you Paul
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