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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Yes brilliant I was looking for just a plug but this with a bit of cable is great your a star thank you so much really appreciate it. Best wishes Paul
  2. I have just bought a W&W dew strip which came with a phono plug, none of my power supply's have this connection. Does anyone know of an adaptor from phono to a 2.1 x 5.5mm dc power plug (male) I really don't want to cut the cable and attach a different plug they are never as secure then always relying on the wires not to break. Thank you Paul
  3. Is that Bogardas 3.8° split (SAO 0586 36)
  4. If you have a android phone download this app synscan init that will show you what information to put in the handset and also show you Polaris position.
  5. I have only ever seen E and F on a winters night crisp and clear with my very first scope a 150p, just waiting for the same kind of night get them in the refractor. Nicely done I dont think I could get them in my Tal but you never know.
  6. Takes me 40 minutes set up and my backyard was covered in snow so didn't bother for just an hour especially with God`s torch out.
  7. Some great notes and sketches there, I cannot go back that far and my notes are not nearly detailed as yours I must do better.
  8. Saw these for sale on Facebook for £55 I should of got them.
  9. Ohh yes I love Harry Potter read the books three times when my son was in school he brought a book home said I should read it well I thought give it a try read it in a few hours could not put it down. I have a wand a few cups dobby some light up thing just cannot remember and I'm on the couch with lemslip so I'm not getting up and looking a scarf. I will have to look that book up always nice add to the library Paul
  10. A friend sent me that book a couple of weeks ago I got these I am not a drinker now I do enjoy a glass of red now and again but that's my limit.
  11. Brilliant Doug I was going to go out but I had been sneezing all day woke this morning with a heavy cold great Christmas present 🥶
  12. Great Nick I was going to go out but I had been sneezing all day and I had to prepare the veg for today cursing now but probably best thing as woke up full of a cold.🥶
  13. I have to sort through mine and I am the same dominated by doubles when making a list I go straight to Haas and then think what clusters are about the other night I knew there were loads of clusters and wanted to get some double's in Monoceros but the 3 story houses out my back put paid to that. Stay safe Paul
  14. Nice report if it stays clear I'm going to go out and catch some of Leo if I can. I will write some of those doubles for myself check I have not done them before.
  15. My highlights teasing out a 1.2° split on a double star I even think I could get a 1° if conditions are right. Comet Neowise I have a picture of that, Mars seeing surface details I have never seen that before, alas the conjunction was clouded out I got a couple of pictures on the Sunday. Mercury I am hoping to see in January in a more favourable position for me, I am waiting for Jupiter and Saturn to get higher to get good views of these. I have managed quite a few firsts this year Iota Cass comes to mind first time I have viewed all three components, Neptune another highlight many clusters and doubles just waiting to get to some dark skies and pick off some galaxies. Merry Christmas everyone lets hope the New Year brings back normality Be Careful Paul
  16. quite a few stars out there are not single stars one famous is Alcor and Mizar which if you have good eyesight you can see both I have read the Romans used this for the eye test to join there ranks I could be wrong. Another good one is Albireo in Cygnus when viewed through a scope you can clearly see a yellow star and a blue star. There are thousands out there splitting them will take different magnifications depending how close they are to each other.
  17. Double stars are a favourite of mine if you are interested either get sissy hass double stars for small scopes or The Cambridge double star atlas seeing does not have to be perfect if you have a frac I have a 4" and a 5" Refractor both are brilliant on doubles and multiples and clusters.
  18. I did say use a single one and rotate the eyepiece that is all I used when I had mine.
  19. How do you use both one at a time or both together thanks
  20. I had a 1.25mm Herschel wedge with one filter which when rotated changed from white to yellow. I plan on getting another one after Christmas as I sold it and wanted to know what filter to get a continuum or polarising does it make any difference thanks.
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