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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. I had a 150p sold that to get the 200p if I win some money I would get a big goto dob.
  2. I am very tempted but I would only use it when at star party`s so its not worth it, with that fewer observing nights I just use the Tal or the Meade 127.
  3. First clear night that I have been able to get out last one I ended up in hospital but everything is fine I hope. As the title says I just picked some targets in no particular order. NGC 2301 "Hagrids Dragon" looked great in the 25mm wings spread and tail reaching back. NGC 2264 "Christmas Tree" Why not its that time of year and in the 15mm stars where popping out everywhere 15 mon shines bright at the bottom. NGC 1758 loose cluster NGC 1807 Loose cluster NGC 1746 Loose cluster NGC 1647 Loose cluster NGC 1817 Best of the bunch really nice cluster. M44 "Beehive" lovely cluster with 25mm NGC 2169 "37" Easily discern the 37 Σ7 + Σ401 (SAO 0759 70) two double stars in the FOV top two where white bottom two which where closer where yellow a fine sight. ζ Zeta Mon (SAO1355 51) nice triple here burnt orange yellow and blue δ Delta Orionis (SAO1322 20) Mintaka Straw yellow with a companion looked grey but the more you looked you could see a tiny hint of blue/white ρ Rho Orionis (SAO1125 28) with the 15mm in easily split this yellow and blue pair. I tried Rigel but could not split it the same with Tegmine 6 Orionis (SAO1324 06) another triple bright yellow with two tiny companions. M42 Stunning easily got the 4 stars in the Trapezium with a UHC filter in brought the nebula right out. Last Mars saw this many weeks ago and could see dark marks on the surface really stunning not tonight even with a 4.5mm in it looked watery found that my objective was dewing up even though I had two dew strips on I may have to make one that gets hotter. That`s it packed up came in nice session with the Tal for a change still a really good scope. Stay Safe Paul
  4. Well done Neil for me its Clusters, planetary nebula are a bane in my light polluted sky tried many times for NGC404 without luck some nice galaxies there I have not seen quite a few of them since I sold my 8" still regret that.
  5. I have everything for at least two years 2018 and 2019.
  6. Thank you all I even said I felt like a charlatan they said no not a waste of time you only have one heart and better sending for a ambulance so everyone is right better safe than sorry. Paul
  7. I did this with my 150p and 200p makes hell of a difference.
  8. wookie1965

    It's arrived

    A warm welcome to SGL the clouds come in the box with the scope always do when buying stuff for astronomy😀
  9. Well first clear night in ages and I missed it had pain in my chest dinner time went after 10 minutes never thought much of it. Came tea time got a pain chest right on breast bone and a feeling like hot fluid running down into my stomach felt really faint seeing stars but not the ones in the sky. I wear a fitbit type device said my pulse was 52 so I rang 111 took details said someone would ring me back anyway 45 minutes later paramedic rang asked me questions then said sending a ambulance for me I needed checking face to face. Had ecg said that was fine did bloods everything came back OK but I needed to make appointment with my gp so I could be monitored for 24/48 hours because of my low pulse never got above 66 even though I was panicking I was having a heart attack. Best to make sure but missed my first night out in probably 12 weeks.
  10. Just been out between clouds with binoculars Orion nebula looked great wish I could of got the scope out but I was dodging clouds never seen any meteors.
  11. A warm welcome to SGL
  12. http://avila.star-shine.ch/astro/messiercharts/messierTelrad.htm https://www.rasc.ca/sites/default/files/finestngc.pdf https://sherwood-observatory.org.uk/astronomy/finder-charts/caldwell-finders Some free Telrad charts but will work with a red dot finder I think
  13. Get yourself a red dot finder or a Telrad.
  14. Easily do a 1.2° I've done it with my Meade 127mm nearly identical scope and I think a 1.0° may be possible with the right conditions just waiting for the best night give it a go. Nice report Doug thanks for sharing. Paul
  15. Brilliant Doug I'm going to write those down for next time when Aquarius is better placed for me. Great Hall of some fine doubles a great read.
  16. Better had do with brand new ones or they are going back at least I can do that with these. Thanks
  17. I've just sent off for a pair of olympus dps ones £63 with postage at least now should get a pair of decent 10x50s after the second hand pair where not great and the freebies out of collimation I have adjusted them so just waiting star test them I doubt I have got them dead on.
  18. Cheer`s for that although it looks like I am going have to buy new when I first looked through they where fine about a hour ago wanted look at Jupiter and Saturn and I have two images so looks like prism is loose or something. Paul
  19. I got mine repaired by Richard Biggs who has worked on "The Repair Shop" did a good job and turn around was fast.
  20. Well they are better than I thought just one problem how to get them on a tripod they don't have a screw slot at the front I took the little plastic circle off but there is no screw thread there if anyone has any ideas please let me know.
  21. Congratulations John and as Stu said thank you for your input on the forums and privately you help a great many people.
  22. Would using the 1.25mm in the 5" and track or is it best just to look at the sun for 5 mins then let the wedge cool down then look again. Thank you. Paul
  23. https://luntsolarsystems.com/shop/solar-products/white-light-wedges/white-light-solar-wedges/ According to this it says the 1.25 is for 4 inch or less that is why I'm confused. Thank you I will read through that link now.
  24. When I purchased my first scope a 150p on a eq3-2 I had galaxies in mind I bought Turn Left to Orion, I tried my best and in a year I saw 4 I just could not see anything. After a couple of star party's and meeting Nick (Cotterless45) I now have two long focal ratio Achromatic refractors and my nights are spent looking at clusters, double and multiple star's from light polluted skies I am enjoying my hobby and cannot wait to get out there. Get a good double star atlas Haas or Cambridge and you will be blown away by the amount and colour of these wonderous things. Paul
  25. I am getting conflicting information I was told anything over a 4" scope should use a 2" Wedge I have seen 1.25mm wedges for sale on astronomy merchants saying it can be used up to a 150mm I want one for my 5" Refractor but am not sure what to get can someone help me please.
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