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  1. Have a look here https://www.firstlightoptics.com/astronomy-optics-cleaning-protection.html
  2. I use these desiccants from Halfords, they work fine. https://www.halfords.com/motoring/car-accessories/interior-car-accessories/air-dry-classic---car-dehumidifier-170096.html?istCompanyId=b8708c57-7a02-4cf6-b2c0-dc36b54a327e&istFeedId=367c5610-f937-4c81-8609-f84582324cd6&istItemId=xttwwiwrt&istBid=t&_$ja=tsid:|cid:14295650065|agid:125190219999|tid:pla-330542459504|crid:539441682431|nw:u|rnd:10690552207211691477|dvc:t|adp:|mt:|loc:1006946&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjtSJnY-F9gIVz-3tCh0ZsANZEAQYASABEgLjBfD_BwE
  3. https://www.dewcontrol.com/Dew_Heaters/cat3099126_2678517.aspx These can be made up with ASIAIR plugs.
  4. Shameless plug for a previous topic - count the stars inside Orion and report data... starts 26 Feb.
  5. Slight moment of panic when saw a bit of a dink on the outer packaging but happy to find my shiny new Zenithstar 61 is a-ok
  6. Seeing the rings of Saturn through an eyepiece for the 1st time. Tiny and wobbly but still fantastic.
  7. From the local Freecycle group. A bit faded but can’t complain for £0 and a 10 min walk...
  8. How about the non-Astro specific solution? I’m using ankle exercise weights for fine balance (about £10 for 2 from Argos or similar). Takes about 10 sec to put on the tube with non scratching Velcro strap, can be slid up and down the tube to suit.
  9. https://www.cpre.org.uk/what-we-care-about/nature-and-landscapes/dark-skies/star-count-2021/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=engagingnetworks&utm_campaign=SC2022_PastPax_SaveTheDate&utm_content=Star+Count+2022+past+pax+-+save+the+date it only took 5 mins to participate last year and the results are pretty interesting! A useful addition to the usual dark sky maps. 2022 star count is running at end of Feb for 2 weeks.
  10. Great article, thanks for posting. It’s quite difficult to envisage such a massive balloon but an innovative alternative to a satellite. Makes back-garden astrophotography sound easy!
  11. Yes, the North_Level alignment brings my Az_Gti pretty much into alignment if I level the tripod at the start. Takes a minute or thereabouts, so great for snatching a peek at the sun between gaps in the clouds.
  12. I usually have a peek at the Double Cluster in Perseus, and the Albireo double star.
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