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If you HAD to keep only one scope?

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It’d have to be my 3” Tak 76Q. It’s the highest quality scope I own, the lightest weight and the most portable. It’s also a cracking solar system scope which is my primary interest. Yes my larger aperture scopes will show more but there’s something special observing with this ocular marvel!

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Difficult choice.

As a primarily imager likely my C6 as I can use it for visual at 1500mm FL or more via PMs (mag supported limited of course), and for imaging 1500 native/1000 F6.3/300mm F2. A truly one scope solution.

It's competitor would be my Z61, no where near as large or has the FL for that matter or resolution, but much much sharper and has proven it's worth via visual and imaging, planetary, DSO, WL solar, HA solar, everything I've put it through. And it's small enough to take abroad if I chose to, and I can also use it for terrestrial photography.

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Wow, that is a tough question. Given my propensity to travel with a scope to far darker places, it would have to be one of the smaller scopes that would fit carry on luggage restrictions, which means my 3 Takahashi refractors or my APM LZOS 105mm. The latter is bit heavy and requires a more robust tripod and mount which has not always been possible (helicopter ride to an Indian Ocean island for example means 20kg of telescope equipment is not happening) so I would probably go with the Tak FC100 even though some disassembly is needed to make it carry on. At 2.8kg, it is still light enough that a smaller tripod and mount works.


But I would be very sad to see to the rest go!

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Without even blinking, stellamira125mm. Reducer and a barlow and I have a lot of bases covered. Strangely, I would miss the seestar.

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I’d have to go small too. Despite having a beautiful 120mm triplet with 3” Feathertouch focuser, I’d keep my TV85. It’s my main solar Ha, daytime spotting and travel scope, and is a nifty night vision instrument too. First thing I’d grab if the house were on fire.

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I wouldn't like to let go any (Esprit 120, Bresser 8 inch reflector, SW 80 ED Equinox). But at the moment I'm having so much fun with my William Optics Redcat (black and white version). This really is an amazingly versatile and capable telescope. :) 


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Without question it would be my FC100DZ.  Whatever happens in life this scope, like a faithful dog, will remain at my side. And like a faithful dog, it demands outings regularly and never fails to give me joy and great memories. As my old mentor used to say repeatedly "You can't beat a 4" refractor"!


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Ouch, that's a tricky question...! 😰

It would possibly be my redesigned 12" f6 dobson, but just because it can be loaded on my car rather easily, so it is more versatile in terms of transportation. If this were my only telescope, I would fit it with wheelbarrow handles so that it can be stored assembled in my garage and simply wheeled outside when in use. It is a tricky question though because I am very fond of my 16" f4 dobson (it was entirely built by me) and this telescope has an edge on my favourite targets (galaxies and PNs). Also, if I had a larger car or a minivan, I would likely choose the 16" f4.. My 16" f4 was conceived as a replacement of my 12" f6. The latter did not sell in the second market despite of being advertised for less than 40% its original price. After heavily redesigning it, I became fond of this 12" f6 too. 🥰


How can you choose between two children?! 😭

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FC 100DZ. For the reasons many others give for 4-inch OG generally. Excellent all rounder, relatively light and easy to mount. And in this embodiment, getting pretty close to optical perfection.

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2 hours ago, Piero said:

Ouch, that's a tricky question...! 😰

It would possibly be my redesigned 12" f6 dobson, but just because it can be loaded on my car rather easily, so it is more versatile in terms of transportation. If this were my only telescope, I would fit it with wheelbarrow handles so that it can be stored assembled in my garage and simply wheeled outside when in use. It is a tricky question though because I am very fond of my 16" f4 dobson (it was entirely built by me) and this telescope has an edge on my favourite targets (galaxies and PNs). Also, if I had a larger car or a minivan, I would likely choose the 16" f4.. My 16" f4 was conceived as a replacement of my 12" f6. The latter did not sell in the second market despite of being advertised for less than 40% its original price. After heavily redesigning it, I became fond of this 12" f6 too. 🥰


How can you choose between two children?! 😭

Hi Piero, 

You have piqued my interest on redesigning a Dob. What did you do, and what advantages did this give you? 

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1 hour ago, dweller25 said:

One scope to rule them all……

Ultimately, the Tak FC100-DZ, the perfect blend of weight, ease of use and performance.

I think this scope is winning the keepers competition, so far. 

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