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Sky at Night

Hertford Stargazer

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So why don't we create our own "Star Gazers Lounge LIVE" programme?

I am thinking a "live" call with short presentations, questions and answers, topics, themes etc. This could be recorded and put on YouTube.

I've done quite a bit of this in the past and would be happy to facilitate/MC this if there was interest in this idea and people were willing to help out. 

My apologies if this has already been done or if I am treading on toes.

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2 minutes ago, Spile said:

So why don't we create our own "Star Gazers Lounge LIVE" programme?

I am thinking a "live" call with short presentations, questions and answers, topics, themes etc. This could be recorded and put on YouTube.

I've done quite a bit of this in the past and would be happy to facilitate/MC this if there was interest in this idea and people were willing to help out. 

My apologies if this has already been done or if I am treading on toes.

There are regular StarGazine presentations, if that’s the sort of thing you were thinking off



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1 hour ago, Hertford Stargazer said:

Disappointed to see that S@N is taking another 2 month break during peak stargazing season. I seem to remember this happening last year before the pandemic took hold. Looks like the quota has been reduced to 10 programs a year.

They must all be out observing under the pristine clear UK skies   🤪 and too busy to do presenting.

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Looks like the bits to camera of the Jan episode were filmed last autumn given some leaves still on trees and lots of freshly fallen leaves on the ground.

Pity they couldn’t hand the missing Feb and March episodes over to Pete L for some decent observational astronomy.

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23 hours ago, JeremyS said:

Looks like the bits to camera of the Jan episode were filmed last autumn given some leaves still on trees and lots of freshly fallen leaves on the ground.

Pity they couldn’t hand the missing Feb and March episodes over to Pete L for some decent observational astronomy.

"On tonights Episode of the Sky at Night I'll be showing you how to get some really good images of clouds"

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On 18/01/2021 at 20:03, JeremyS said:

Pity they couldn’t hand the missing Feb and March episodes over to Pete L for some decent observational astronomy.

Here, here - couldn't agree more! His segments are always very enjoyable to watch. 

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Like many I still miss Sir PMs presentations.  Perhaps I’m showing my age and getting negative but Patrick’s approach suited me just fine.

Having said that I enjoyed Maggie & Chris’s program on Sunday evening so should be grateful that auntie beeb has not given up entirely on astronomy.  But 2 months break is a bit much considering the cost of the license.


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I really like the S@N presenters but would rather it was presented by passionate amateurs and focus more on observing the night sky ie techniques, what to observe, how to’s and equipment reviews. And less space flight news.

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Always loved S&N, and do enjoy watching the latest presenters but I do wonder how much of that is driven by nostalgia. There probably isn't anything in an episode that hasn't been talked about here for example. And there lies the problem, these kinds of programs were conceived in a very different era. That said, I'd hate to see it go. Not a lot to ask of my license fee when I watch very little else, and I do enjoy Pete Lawrences interludes. Nice to see one of us on mainstream TV... 😁

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On 18/01/2021 at 11:37, AstroTim said:

There are regular StarGazine presentations, if that’s the sort of thing you were thinking off



Thanks but I was thinking of something a little less polished and more interactive.

Each event would have a theme that would appeal to those starting out or to someone experienced or both. 

There could be a guest speaker or perhaps more interestingly after the initial question is posed, contributions could come "from the floor". Think Question Time format.

For balance and interest, contributors would be from all ranges of experience - stalwarts, intermediates and novices.

Depending on numbers, questions could be posted in a chat window and the MC would direct these to the contributors.

Off the top of my head... (I am sure forum members could come up with suitable themes)

  • Finding your way about - Asterisms, Constellations and bright stars
  • 101 great Binocular objects
  • How to begin stargazing
  • Choosing a first telescope and avoiding pitfalls
  • Collimating for beginners
  • Choosing an eyepiece
  • Astrophotography for beginners
  • D.I.Y astronomy
  • 101 activities for amateur astronomers when it is cloudy
  • Top tips for observing with a .... (insert telescope here)

These are largely going to be of interest to beginners but meatier themes could also be chosen.

The MC would keep things moving, lively and interactive so that it doesn't become dry and boring.

My background is in education, so I am used to planning these type of events but I'd welcome an opportunity to discuss further (by DM) with anyone else who is interested.

The workshops could be recorded and placed on the forum.

Moderators - please delete this if it falls outside the remit of the forum.


Edited by Spile
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@SpileI think that what you are suggesting would still fit within the StarGazine format and platform. Some of the ones I’ve seen have been more interactive during both the presentation and Q&A session. It’s just down to how you manage the session. When there is more of a presentation style session happening then you need to make it more formal to stop frequent interruptions, but the same tools could be used in a more open and interactive way and even with different compères. I don’t necessarily see a need to spawn a new series of programmes on a different platform, unless of course you are looking to set up your own channel as a new personal venture (with possible monetisation of it) in which case that would be understandable.

Maybe discuss what you have in mind with the StarGazine organisers and see what might be possible.

Edited by AstroTim
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1 hour ago, JeremyS said:

On the theme of less polished presentations, what about a virtual lounge for some of our SGL stand up comedians to perform live?



That would be great fun Jeremy.  I've already acquired a virtual balcony from which you and I can heckle.


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Pete always does a great job. I love his and Paul Abel’s monthly night sky show on YouTube as well. Indeed, I prefer that than the SaN programme itself since it is highly relevant. SaN is too general for my tastes and goes off topic and I rarely bother with it nowadays.  It is a production problem rather than any issue with Chris and Maggie,  they are both great people and I’ve met them several times at talks and events and they are very nice and approachable.

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I used to watch Sky at Night every month and didnt miss an episode. Patrick was a national treasure and a force of nature. Today, I don't bother with Sky at Night anymore and haven't done for a few years. Can't stand the multiple presenters when it only needs one. It's like watching a tennis match - to me to you to me to you. It's wearysome! The only one on the programme as far as I'm concerned who's worth his salt, is Pete Lawrence.  The BBC haven't got a clue! 

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On 20/01/2021 at 15:07, AstroTim said:

@SpileI think that what you are suggesting would still fit within the StarGazine format and platform. Some of the ones I’ve seen have been more interactive during both the presentation and Q&A session. It’s just down to how you manage the session. When there is more of a presentation style session happening then you need to make it more formal to stop frequent interruptions, but the same tools could be used in a more open and interactive way and even with different compères. I don’t necessarily see a need to spawn a new series of programmes on a different platform, unless of course you are looking to set up your own channel as a new personal venture (with possible monetisation of it) in which case that would be understandable.

Maybe discuss what you have in mind with the StarGazine organisers and see what might be possible.

Thanks AstroTim and yes I think the more interactive the better. I definitely am not looking to monetarise this if it comes off. I've DM'd one of the mods to see if this will be allowed and I will find out who organises the StarGazine events and discuss with them. 

As I said, I am keen not to tread on any toes. 

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Just search for the Sky at Night on YouTube and you’ll see it in the list of results. They essentially use Stellarium and talk through the month’s targets. It’s really good. 20 mins or so.  No camera work at all and all done on Stellarium screen share with Pete and Paul discussing it.  Great idea and head and shoulders above the main SaN program.

As I said, respect to Maggie and Chris since they are both really lovely people and this is a production issue and not a presenter one. BBC might as well just cut the program IMO, it has lost its way if you ask me.

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13 hours ago, kirkster501 said:

Just search for the Sky at Night on YouTube and you’ll see it in the list of results. They essentially use Stellarium and talk through the month’s targets. It’s really good. 20 mins or so.  No camera work at all and all done on Stellarium screen share with Pete and Paul discussing it.  Great idea and head and shoulders above the main SaN program.

As I said, respect to Maggie and Chris since they are both really lovely people and this is a production issue and not a presenter one. BBC might as well just cut the program IMO, it has lost its way if you ask me.

+1 for the Sky at Night magazine "What to see..." vids.

What to see in the night sky, January 2021.


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WOW. So when it is not made anymore off the back of comments like this, how are you all going to see it on YouTube? If it is not made anymore.......

Guess we can all watch repeats of the great Patrick for ever more. Perhaps we can call it “The Patrick for ever more“

With nothing of educational value available on TV why are people on this forum calling for astronomy on mainstream tv to be closed down.

Endless programming about dating, dancing and baking and some of it on ice. How is it many of you, the fellow membership want this abandoned from terrestrial tv? 

Just watch an edit on YouTube! Are you kidding me? Next time any one of you moans about light pollution from urbanisation, or the lack of education of the up coming youth, look in the mirror.

You might not like the latest format and presenters, but the reflection In the mirror might be the least palatable thing on the menu.

Marvin Jenkins.

signature in full because I want SandN to continue to educate the up and coming not those already here.

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