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"Better Than $3,000 Telescopes!"


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Stumbled across this scammy affair today... IĀ just had to laugh at their claims...šŸ¤£


wow that bird 10 miles away looks amazing!




At least it has lower viginetting than "Brand 3"šŸ˜†




"Get 4 Telescopes at Once"!!!!!

I wonder if they would evenĀ deliver anything if you bought one...

This kind of thing should be illegal... some poor person might just believe it...

P.s IĀ hope this is the right place to post... mods feel free to delete if not.

Edited by Matt01
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It's great that they name the brands they compare this wonderful scope with, so we can objectively see why this wonderful scope outperforms them all.

It's not the wasted money I am concerned about, it's the disappointment it causes.

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I'm tempted to say that if you expect the performance of a $3k scope for 48-quid you deserve the inevitable outcome. Consumer protection laws say I'm wrong though. Looks like the figures on it say 40x60, I wonder if either of them is believable.

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6 hours ago, Matt01 said:

Stumbled across this scammy affair today... IĀ just had to laugh at their claims...šŸ¤£


wow that bird 10 miles away looks amazing!




At least it has lower viginetting than "Brand 3"šŸ˜†




"Get 4 Telescopes at Once"!!!!!

I wonder if they would evenĀ deliver anything if you bought one...

This kind of thing should be illegal... some poor person might just believe it...

P.s IĀ hope this is the right place to post... mods feel free to delete if not.

It really annoys me how these con artists can get away with this.

Its these sort of rip off merchants that put people off astronomy. I see so many posts from people new to our hobby, buying their new 'scopes' andĀ have been drawn in by the Hubble quality photos on the box or as part of their 'marketing' lies (probably actually stolen from NASA's website), understandably expecting the same views. They then come onto the forums thinking something is wrong with their equipment when all they've seen is the hint of a smudge when looking at say M31( IF they're lucky).

Its these criminals (maybe a little strong but i'm in rant modeĀ šŸ¤¬) that leave beginners so disappointed they never pick up a scope againĀ šŸ˜”Ā 

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15 minutes ago, nephilim said:

criminals (maybe a little strong but i'm in rant modeĀ šŸ¤¬)

DontĀ worry about being strong, you have hit the nail on the head.

1 hour ago, niallk said:

My only concern was would my hand be steady enough...

"With its included stabilizing tripod, you will get the perfect view every time"Ā 

Oh thank goodness, you get a "stabilizing tripod"šŸ˜†

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I watchedĀ a video advertising these on Face Book, and theyĀ used the exact same footage from a Nikon P1000 video I had watched just weeks before. I ofĀ course called them out in the comments for stealing footage and claiming it as their ownĀ but sadlyĀ my comment was drowned by othersĀ beingĀ absolutely wowed by this 40mm monocular marvel!

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Review advertorial here!:




One day I was looking at the Flickr page of one of my college photography teachers. His stuff was awesome. He had super-sharp, really colorful photos of wildlife and of interesting cities like Tokyo. And on his Facebook page, there were a lot of amazing shots of some really hot girls. When they heard he could make them look like models, they all begged him to take their photos. And he had some published magazine covers!

I messaged him. What gear are you using for your photos? Canon? Leica? Nikon? They are awesome. You must have some really expensive lenses!ā€

He messaged me back. ā€œHA! I tossed all my expensive, heavy camera stuff. Thatā€™s all so last century. The only thing I use today is this tiny lens I bought from Starscope Monocular and my iPhone. The Starscope Monocular is made with CNC/CAD design so itā€™s BETTER than all that old heavy stuff.ā€



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12 minutes ago, Luke said:

If it's THAT good for photography, it begs the question as to why all professional photo-journalists haven't got one? Maybe I'm just too cynical but I suspect the reason is what I expect: it's rubbish!

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guess it depends what you're comparing it to...

Love how they say 33MPĀ yet later the sensor is listed as 13MP, I think one ad says 3.3MP for the sensorĀ šŸ˜„Ā 

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šŸ¤£Ā Well Iā€™ve bought 5 more of them after being so impressed with the first one I ordered and will give them away as Christmas presents this year. In these difficult times itā€™s brilliant that I can get to save so much money not buying Ā£3,000 telescopes especially with Christmas so near. Whenever itā€™s cloudy or raining always think how much money you will have saved not being able to get out with your cumbersome Ā£3,000 telescope and expensive heavy mount. Observations and observatories become a thing of the past with one of these little scientific wonders.

I managed to attach the monocular *scope to my barn door tracker and mobile using some spare aluminium bar and gaffa tape and got 180 seconds sub exposures with no star trailing even under the cloudiest skies. I did find I had first to take the shiny ruby lens coatings off, they easily peeled off quickly in hot water and using a pan scourer Ā so no worries there.

The monocular*scope is truly miraculous in that it can be used anywhere in the whole world, by people of all ages and by both right and left handed people, it has that definite universal appeal. Very handy for travel too, just put it in your pocket and travel, anywhere especially valuable if you canā€™t use it indoors. I havenā€™t Ā yet tried balancing one in each hand to make the most of stereoscopic viewing potential but who knows with some further imagination and some sticky tape what might yet be possible.

In fairness I canā€™t vouch for the images in the ad as I didnā€™t see the people or the blue tent when I looked through mine and I so desperately want to see a lovely bluebird one day but perhaps not likely at night time.Ā šŸ˜‚

Caveat emptor!

Edited by SteveNickolls
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7 minutes ago, saac said:

Shame I wanted to get 6 of these beauties but the max they sell is a group of 5 .Ā  Oh well. :(Ā 


Yes, it's just despicable speciesism, six eyed sand spiders* are forced to buy two sets of 3 of these marvellous bargains to be fully equipped, , or a 4 and a 2, which means they will be unfairly financially disadvantaged compared with bees (5 eyes) .


*Ā  Six eyed sand spiders afflicted with lisps are the world's most disadvantaged creatures .

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  • 10 months later...

Very late for the party on this topic. I admit it, but I own one.
It was a belated birthday gift/presentĀ from my father and step-mother.
I received it last week when I visited my sister.

Anyway a few things to mull over...

  • only 10x magnification.
  • it's OK for terrestrial viewing.
  • Moon fits in the FOV.
  • can just about see the Jupiter's 'Galilean' moons.Ā 
  • no chance of seeing Saturn's rings... yet!
  • chromatic aberration on bright targets.
  • twist up eyecup for 'better' eye relief.
  • rubber end caps included... objective end is fixed... but can/could be easily removed if you wish too permanently remove it.
  • also included is a wrist strap/lanyard and plastic mounting screw, attached via the 1/4" tripod/monopod mounting point.
  • no attachment to couple it to a smartphone/tablet or camera for photography.
  • no compass included with mine.
  • no carry case/pouch included.
  • fits in a jacket or trouser pocket or travel bag.
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