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35 days of Mars...

Kokatha man

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Well, not 35 consecutive days of Mars images, rather images of Mars over 35 days/5 weeks where we continue our attempt to create a series of "disk maps" as opposed to "projection maps" that are more common, certainly insofar as annotated hi-res ones are concerned that can be used as "ready-reckoners" to determines specific Mars regions & place names.

Some maps have the same features annotated, but only where said features appear on adjacent maps to help "reference" positions etc.

We posted the first of these maps some time ago from the September 13th imaging session - here are the subsequent ones. ;)

We now only need to get a good image of the Syrtis Major aspect to finish all the vistas - hopefully in the next few days or so! :fingerscrossed: 

This (hopeful!) capture of Syrtis Major would fill nicely the gap in the "compendium" set of capture scale images I'll post here also...going between the 1st & 2nd columns of this.

Incidentally, all images were captured at between 45°-50° elevation, with 50° being the absolute highest we ca image Mars if we travel 400km+ north or our home...& the latest image (18th October) was the first time we have been able to image from home with decent seeing...or more so without clouds! :)









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Great to See you still producing world class images Darryl. Was going to message you on the other place. I missed our chats. But needed timeout from anything astro. Just burned out on it after years of lugging Newts around. In the coming months i am thinking of starting again

Stunning images Darryl. inspiring. Need to catch up some time its been a while. Hope you and Pat are staying safe from the bug

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Well hello Neil :) - I've thought about you from time to time but a bit surprised to see you here...I thought you might have given all this away at some stage & was the reason you were conspicuous by your absence..! :lol:

At any rate great to hear from you...& "nah" I haven't changed my mind about anything we chatted about in the past :lol: ...not that I think of those sorts of things much, but when for some odd reason I do I still shake my head & wonder how so many people could be so gullible!  :)

But that's of no consequence except your post reminded me of some of our later talks...I'm really pleased you posted & also really pleased I left the pc on instead of switching it off, because we're leaving early tomorrow morning - I'm 71 in a few weeks & it gets harder on the body, but we set ourselves a goal once we came up with a good image when it got closer to opposition...thinking beforehand that with Mars below 50° this year we'd be really struggling...& not being able to cross borders to get more elevation due to the covid-19 situation...

But that turned out ok & long trips to image would've really taxed our bodies...we still don't mind short journeys - but we ain't getting any younger! :lol:

Hope we can talk again soon!

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17 minutes ago, Kokatha man said:

Well hello Neil :) - I've thought about you from time to time but a bit surprised to see you here...I thought you might have given all this away at some stage & was the reason you were conspicuous by your absence..! :lol:

At any rate great to hear from you...& "nah" I haven't changed my mind about anything we chatted about in the past :lol: ...not that I think of those sorts of things much, but when for some odd reason I do I still shake my head & wonder how so many people could be so gullible!  :)

But that's of no consequence except your post reminded me of some of our later talks...I'm really pleased you posted & also really pleased I left the pc on instead of switching it off, because we're leaving early tomorrow morning - I'm 71 in a few weeks & it gets harder on the body, but we set ourselves a goal once we came up with a good image when it got closer to opposition...thinking beforehand that with Mars below 50° this year we'd be really struggling...& not being able to cross borders to get more elevation due to the covid-19 situation...

But that turned out ok & long trips to image would've really taxed our bodies...we still don't mind short journeys - but we ain't getting any younger! :lol:

Hope we can talk again soon!

For sure i will pm you at some point, either here or the other place. Its good to know what you have been doing. 

I sold nearly all of it. Couldnt bring myself to sell the old 10" Orion though. So will take a while to get up and running again. But i am feeling it again after a long break. So looking foward to getting out there again. Anyway take care and speak soon

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Thanks Geof & Peter, we nailed the last vista with Syrtis Major almost right on the C.M. the night after I replied to Neil. :)

Will probably post in a new thread later tonight our time...people in forums rarely look down the bottom of older threads for newer images! :lol: 

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I LOVE THIS.... this is one of (if not the) best collection of Mars I have seen.... I'm collecting Mars images through my 8" SCT, and even though I'm quite happy with my results, the resolution is nowhere near what you managed with that C14 monster.

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Well, when I see images of this quality I don't know why I bother to even attempt planetary imaging in North East England!  Yes, a C14 is renowned for planetary work - Damian Peach is a prime example, but even with that excellent instrument, perfect collimation and skilled processing, it would be a waste of time without superb sky conditions of clarity and seeing.  Which you obviously have in spades!  Very well done and thanks for sharing.  I'll now crawl away and hide 😳



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