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R.I.P. Ed, Astronomy Dog 2010 - 2020


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He went into a coma and didn't wake up. Here a pic from happier times - Ed is assisting me with three-star alignment.


I took this picture of Albireo that same night:


Edited by Ags
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Thanks everyone. Ed was a magnificent dog, perpetually battling health problems but he always demanded to be treated as an equal.

Edited by Ags
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Sorry for your loss Agnes, saying goodbye to our companions is always hard.
R.I.P Ed.
As others have said, you will always have fond memories each time you observe,
I can vouch for this as I started observing with my dear Dad, now long departed,
every time I observe it feels as if he is with me again, which I find very comforting.

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Really sorry to hear about your loss, it's the worst part about having pets, in fact the only bad part. :sad:

Is Omar aware of the loss? I ask because our cat mourned our dog, she wandered around aimlessly for days mewing, looking for her. At least Omar is there to help you.

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So sorry to hear of your loss. It's very hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Harry - my avatar - died seven years ago now. We still have his sister, Phoebe, who has recently turned twenty. We content ourselves with the hope that we give our pets better lives than they had before they came to stay with us - all our cats over the years have come from the Cats Protection League. 

Maybe there is a new asterism in the sky called Ed the Astronomy Dog!

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23 minutes ago, Greymouser said:

Is Omar aware of the loss?

Ed looks cute but he was a bit of a tyrant to Omar. Omar misses Ed a bit, but I think he also feels the advantages of the new situation.

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