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Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

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It finally appeared from behind the rooftops and is now climbing steadily higher, not as bright naked eye as last night but I think that's the sky, taken a few snaps at 70, 200, 300 and 300 plus 1.4 extender, having a cup of coffee before going out for another look.


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Gee whiz it's a corker isn't it!!!

I've had a few quick looks through binoculars but tonight I set everything up and had a good session. The moon rising behind me, 3 nice ISS passes as well and lovely clear skies to the north. Even with the light pollution over the city I had lovely naked eye views once I found a good spot away from the streetlights. No noctilucent clouds though.

Lots of image data to process but here's a quick one straight off the memory card, shot at 50mm. Just a little noise reduction and contrast added. Very nice.



Edited by johnfosteruk
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11 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Nice one John, think I need to travel to better vantage point, only had a few hours window between it appearing over the rooftops and disappearing behind trees.


I didn't have a chance from home, My northern horizon consists of a 12 foot wall mainly so I travelled to the field at the top of the hill. I will be making a return trip for sure :)

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What an amazing comet! Fantastic images everyone. I’ve finally seen it, having messed up my alarm on Friday night/Saturday morning.

I went out at about 11pm and wandered 100 yards down the road where I managed to find a good view North and caught it easily with the naked eye and also through the binos.

At 2.30 I headed up onto the heather for a better view with the Genesis. Really lovely stuff, both at lower power (24mm Panoptic) and also using the Leica Zoom. The nucleus is so bright and I love the split in the tail. This is a quick pic through the eyepiece, I may have some better ones but need a couple of hours kip before the short person starts bouncing on my head! 🤣



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Astronomy In Jim Jams

This is from our ground floor bedroom window, in an urban area and Burtle 6 sky. Didn’t need even to change from jim jams. Never had astronomy so easy! What next? Telescope in bed? Breakfast with Jupiter and Moon on a tray? That would be fantastic!


Edited by Dippy
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This was my best effort from this morning. Not up to the standard of many of the pics here, but amazed by my first naked eye comet since Halley.  It's a very yellow comet!



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Quick and dirty LRGB process done! I have 50x5s luminance frames but only used 10 of these due to the whole comet alignment issue. 10 x 5 seconds RGB each. Will look more into comet registration etc later on and process it that way, but for now I just wanted to see a quick result.


Edited by SyedT
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Tell you what in general this morning the sky was great, a comet in the north, Saturn and Jupiter in the south, moon mars up in the east, summer triangle over to the west...  great smokes it's good time for astronomy.

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49 minutes ago, SyedT said:

Quick and dirty LRGB process done! I have 50x5s luminance frames but only used 10 of these due to the whole comet alignment issue. 10 x 5 seconds RGB each. Will look more into comet registration etc later on and process it that way, but for now I just wanted to see a quick result.


Looks nice! The "chromatism" is kind of artistic in that image. 

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24 minutes ago, Fozzie said:

Stunning that @SyedT



4 minutes ago, HaleBopp2007 said:

Looks nice! The "chromatism" is kind of artistic in that image. 

I wasn't a fan of that tinge to be honest, but I was imaging through haze/thin clouds, and my subs were getting washed out because of the moon. Plus the rising sun didn't help! Some days you just can't win, but I'm glad I managed to get a full set of LRGB at least!

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21 minutes ago, Fozzie said:

Tell you what in general this morning the sky was great, a comet in the north, Saturn and Jupiter in the south, moon mars up in the east, summer triangle over to the west...  great smokes it's good time for astronomy.

Absolutely. Got the binoculars out yesterday, and caught a glimpse of Jupiter and Saturn, plus got liveviews of Mars and the Moon using my scope. Just incredible!

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27 minutes ago, Fozzie said:

Tell you what in general this morning the sky was great, a comet in the north, Saturn and Jupiter in the south, moon mars up in the east, summer triangle over to the west...  great smokes it's good time for astronomy.

Yeah! Got wiews of jupiter and saturn on my 180 Mak, and a beautiful comet in the twilight of the morning! 

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Quick question for all the seasoned UK  comet observers.

I got asked this by a friend and could not give an immediate answer because I have only become slightly obsessive about astronomy over the last 5 years.....

NEOWISE C/2020 F3  is the 'best' comet seen from the UK since .......?????

It is a subjective question but thought there might be a concensus amongst the wise ones.

( by 'best' I am going along the lines of visual impact ).


Keep the pictures coming folks.  They are genuinely amazing.





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