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Hi from South Yorkshire

Tom v

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Been interested in the stars since I first looked at the Pleiades theough my dad's 7 x 50 s about 60 years ago but only decided to spend real time on it last year. Bought an ST80 and am really impressed with it but have joined this forum so I can learn what can realistically be expected from this modest setup.

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I've looked through a lot of FAQ s and topics but I'm still a bit lost about my little scope's ability.

Last August i managed to get M81 and M82 . 

Is there a realistic chance that I will be able to see more distant galaxies than those two?

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3 hours ago, Tom v said:

Is there a realistic chance that I will be able to see more distant galaxies than those two?

Welcome to the forum Tom. The answer to your question is "It depends"- on your skies. 

The Messier catalogue was compiled with equipment far inferior to yours and includes much fainter objects, but he didn't have to put up with 21st century light pollution. If you're in a reasonably dark area then for sure you can. Otherwise there's a cliché- the best upgrade for your telescope is petrol (bit tricky at the moment though). 

Even without this there are many many fascinating and beautiful objects within your telescope's reach.

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