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It sure is. Nine EPs actually looks quite modest compared to some set-ups. But of course the William Optics zoom and one MaxVision live permanently in the case of the LS35THA, and the other MaxVision 24 mm is on loan to the university's observatory (fits nicely between their LVW 42mm and a Hyperion 13 mm), until such day that I get either a binoviewer or some BIG binoculars which accept 1.25" EPs.

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The SLV's are lovely little ep's and I will be honest and say that if I was starting out again buying I would probably consider buying a 5 & 6mm sizes in these instead of a delos and xw. It would be less money tied up in these little used ep's, (btw I ain't selling them though :cool: ) I find that the extra fov isn't really needed when its cranked up to these magnifications and the 9mm seems to find focus just that bit easier than compared to the 8 and 10 Delos either side. 

I am commenting after using the 9mm a few times of course so I am assuming the 5 & 6 are the same. Another thing about them they seem to be optically as good as the delos imho, certainly as much contrast although tbf I haven't had them at a really dark site yet. WHen I do I shall stick a review up.

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Oh come on Tinker where is the 3.5mm and 40mm. The former is a superb eyepiece and I prefer it to my Delos but only just. Lovely set of eyepieces and rare to see so many Pentax's, many, like myself have one or two but that's almost a clean sweep.

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It  was always a tug of war between the TV Panoptic and the 40mm XW for wide field, in the end I couldn't get one either and that was 3 years back, I guess the other 3.5mm is just a bit too short for you. I always wish they had made a few more in the range especially at the short end of things. Great eyepieces and as John always say's, what would they have done if they set out to make a range of astonomical eyepieces .

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  • 4 weeks later...

As i have been doing astronomy for the past 13 years i was aware of the existence of this forum and the wealth of information it provides but i shun away for having another account that i would eventually forget on an astronomy website. Frankly, i just used cloudynights and astromart. Then, one day, before this Christmas i started browsing this topic. At first i thought i was deranged, such a Pavlovian reflex, all the pretty pictures and imagining the thrill you would get using those things unde the stars. Oh well, here i am, and altough my case has yet to come - i usually have all my EPs in my TV-101 case - here is a picture of my crew. Currently pending are a 24 Pan, 17.3 and 6 Deloi and a 22 T4. I think ( hope ) that will do and i will stop. 

MG 4095

Clear skies! 


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Well, there is the weight issue and i sometimes use one of my scopes for public outreach and i feel the Panoptic is way better for that. For example i find the Nag a bit tight on the eye relief, and also when using the 28UWAN, a newb wouldn t be able to see the whole field with ease. I really love it and also learnd that  i can rest my head on the eyecup so comfy, but for beginners it s a mood killer.

I also have a tiny 6 inch dob that is highly portable and if i wanna have a minimal eyepiece collection with me i would get only non weapon grade glass, i feel that the 24 pan and 13T6 are the best for this. 

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P.S. At the same time i am regretting selling the nice and simple plossls and orthos UO voclano tops i once had. So beside the main sequence, i m planning on getting some TV plossls and some voclano tops or HDs.  It s very hard loving optics   :Envy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update on my cases.Got a binoviewer now and that one sits in the big case together with 2" Baader/Zeiss prism,ExSc 30mm,telrad and a pair or max visions 24 and 16mm (trialling them).

other pic is my "Precious" case with 2 full sets of BGO's and a set of Meade research grade orthos and Erfles.Does look like a serious ortho addiction :)



Edited by Dude_with_the_tube
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