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Uranus and Neptune 30th August 2016

neil phillips

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Was a belated birthday present on the 30th. Turned 52 on the 29th, Seeing was quite stable, transparency good. scope was cooled and working well. Everything has to come together to get slightly better results on these fickle worlds. First time with the Baader 610 filter. Bagged a storm spot on Neptune I think, right on the limb. One capture was reasonable, the other a bit more disturbed. But  shooting a world at 29 degrees elevation at 2.4 arcsecs, any disturbance turns into a mess of nonsense. I think better could be got from my location and equipment. But it wont be easy. Anyway fairly pleased with the results all in all. especially Uranus. My best to date, I think. Certainly stronger banding and more contrast. Thanks to Darryl for he's advice to me lately about problems I have been getting


Uranus done png.png



white png.png


No other Processing other than mild wavelets and histogram levels balance in registax . Neptune and Triton. Orientation above. Two twenty  minuet captures

best nep_23_30_45Z_AS_f14689_g4_ap1_Drizzle15 m1 moon more b_pipp.gif

Extra processing same image


Earlier capture. Will put stats up later. = North is obvious here. But it was a 45 min run. So far un de rotated. Time 01:34 UT

Uranus ;png b sgl.png



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Yes, first class Neil - I think we all have to give some credit to the ASI290MM camera tbh...the ASI224MC showed us with U & N just what the newer models were capable of last year but my "gut feeling" is that the 290MM has given us considerably more...Neptune might be more "active" as I've suggested elsewhere...but as far as can be objectively said - or remembered, that is! ;) - I recollect no great seeing differences between this & last year's apparition imaging sessions so far.

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9 hours ago, Kokatha man said:

Yes, first class Neil - I think we all have to give some credit to the ASI290MM camera tbh...the ASI224MC showed us with U & N just what the newer models were capable of last year but my "gut feeling" is that the 290MM has given us considerably more...Neptune might be more "active" as I've suggested elsewhere...but as far as can be objectively said - or remembered, that is! ;) - I recollect no great seeing differences between this & last year's apparition imaging sessions so far.

Its a great Chip Darryl. I have noticed my quality level rise. Since switching From the old DMKs,  Both the 224 for colour and the 290 for mono, get us closer to where we want to be

I feel blessed to have both chips in my possession now. Jupiter will be interesting, especially at 30 degrees. Not going to be what we know it can. Here in the UK  But will be interesting to see how these cameras cope with the lower elevation. I suspect some reasonable results will come regardless. At least i hope so. The results you have obtained so far on Saturn Mars Neptune and Uranus. With the these cameras. Has been groundbreaking. Its what made me realize I had to switch. I am glad I did.

Cheers for the positive comments


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Hey thanks Stuart and Simon appreciate the kind comments.  I know how good you guys are, I am hoping i am starting a trend. come on guys, if this hobby was easy we would have given up years ago. Its doable in the UK. I have really been enjoying trying these difficult worlds.

The only thing that worries me,  is a couple of bad nights, and its easy to think its pointless. Its Not, its just everything has to happen all at once. good seeing. Good trans. good focus, good camera settings, long captures either de rotated or not. I think good mono cameras will be better. larger scopes are better. The 610 longpass is better for scopes smaller than say 14 perhaps. Its a good compromise on anything smaller than 14" that or above then the IR685 might be better for contrast. I need to try my 10" Orion to see whats possible. I am convinced good shots can come from that too. But trans will have to be good with smaller scopes. in the 10" range. or its bye bye signal strength.

Thanks again guys. Hope I am creating interest in doing this

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14 hours ago, sloz1664 said:

Fabulous set of images. I must try to capture these now I have retired and have more time. I may have to travel to image them, but image them I will.


Hi Steve glad its creating interest in these neglected but difficult worlds. Hope you have a go.

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Cheers Martin and laudropb

Just finished a winjupos de rotated version of the top image with the N P orientation.  with 4 moons. There was 5 on the measurement page. But the fifth moon was barely perceptible. So wasn't happy including it.   Nothing has come of it. But good practice for the day anything bright ever shows up.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fin 75 done r 2 png s.png




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32 minutes ago, astroman001 said:

Hi Neil,

Did you de-rotate the unprocessed video in WinJupos or de-rotated several sepatate images? How do you do that? Did it make a difference to visible detail?



Hi Peter. I did video de rotation. The moons just have to be lined up for a midpoint measurement for winjupos to do its thing. The image at the bottom with the moons on the right hand side of the IR shot are both de rotated. So I would say no to your question. No real detail has come out. But that's likely because. No real detail that is prominent enough to stand out against the signal to noise ratio is apparent. I feel confident even at this rather average resolution. If something major was happening it should show. I think lol ?

Am I guessing you have had a go ? if so cant wait to see what you got. With your big scope and skill. Bet your detail is a step up from what I can achieve. As is evident from what Darryl is getting from he's C14

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