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Helloo from Wales!


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My partner very kindly treated me with a telescope today, so im eagerly waiting for it to come through the post. I have been interested in trying this out for a long time so now I guess it's my chance to learn :)

Any advice is appreciated as I am starting out completely clueless :happy3:

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Welcome to SGL Alexandra,

get familiar with the night sky, start out with easy targets, the moon can be awesome to view when it is not full, much easier on the eyes.

go online and see what is out there at the time you want to view and pic a target or two for your evening to view and build from there, but

first you will have to put up with the new scope curse... it is sure to rain for a week or two now ;)

cheers and congrates on the new telescope, let the fun begin.

Rick M

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Welcome to the hobby and the forum, Alexandra. I'm sure you're going to have a lot of fun.

Keep your expectations low and your enthusiasm high. There will be lots to learn, but if you can make that a part of the enjoyment then you're well on the way.

The small frustrations will be forgotten when you score successes.

Enjoy the trip.

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Welcome to SGL, Alexandra. Lots of good advice and inspiration here.

Stellarium has been recommended. If possible, get some half-decent binoculars (even old ones.) You'll get round the sky quite quickly and soon learn about the major stars, constellations, and their locations and relationships. And read plenty.


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Hello Alexandra, welcome to the lounge. Wales sounds like a really good place to become a stargazer, as you don't have as much light pollution as other places. You have done well to join this forum. We will try to answer all newby questions.

Advice to start with:

- Dress warm when you go out observing.

- Use only a small red light so you will keep your night vision.

- Get a paper star atlas and install Stellarium on your computer.

- Observe as often as you can. The more you practice, the better you will become at recognizing constellations and finding deep sky objects (DSOs).

- Ask questions on this forum.

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