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Hello you fellow star lovers!

Guest Tuomo

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I have been reading SGL for quite some time. But now I think it's time for me to man up and make an account and get out of the closet! YES I'm a proud star lover!
Im hailing from Finland and I have been doing visual astronomy for a year now. I have 12" Orion optics DIY-modified newtonian with push-to-Dobsonian mount. It was my first REAL telescope. I know, it was bit big for a first telescope, but now that I know how to handle it, im 100% satisfied with it. 

As you guys might now, summer is quite bright here in Finland and you really cant do any astronomy (well, other than Sun). But now the autum and winter is coming and that means darker and ofc colder nights to come. To be honest I'm waiting at the moment to clouds to roll over and night to get darker. Luckily streetlamps at my streets go off at 00:00, so about 20 minutes to go....IF the clouds are willing to co-op with me.

As I told I have made few modification to my scope, but Im not going to tell about those in this post. Im planning to make new topics about those and maybe even ask for few burning questions.

You guys at the SGL have been the most important thing in my astronomy hobby. I would NOT have been able to achieve this much without you so I'm clapping my big hairy hands! Thank you!

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23 minutes ago, Tuomo said:

I have been reading SGL for quite some time. But now I think it's time for me to man up and make an account and get out of the closet! YES I'm a proud star lover!
Im hailing from Finland and I have been doing visual astronomy for a year now. I have 12" Orion optics DIY-modified newtonian with push-to-Dobsonian mount. It was my first REAL telescope. I know, it was bit big for a first telescope, but now that I know how to handle it, im 100% satisfied with it. 

As you guys might now, summer is quite bright here in Finland and you really cant do any astronomy (well, other than Sun). But now the autum and winter is coming and that means darker and ofc colder nights to come. To be honest I'm waiting at the moment to clouds to roll over and night to get darker. Luckily streetlamps at my streets go off at 00:00, so about 20 minutes to go....IF the clouds are willing to co-op with me.

As I told I have made few modification to my scope, but Im not going to tell about those in this post. Im planning to make new topics about those and maybe even ask for few burning questions.

You guys at the SGL have been the most important thing in my astronomy hobby. I would NOT have been able to achieve this much without you so I'm clapping my big hairy hands! Thank you!

Hi Tuomo, glad you've made an account I've been a member for a few months now and I've owned my very first serious scope for the past 6 months ☺️

Theres some great people on this amazing site as you already know ?

Clear skies ?✨???



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On 8/19/2016 at 21:47, Tuomo said:

.........summer is quite bright here in Finland and you really cant do any astronomy (well, other than Sun). But now the autum and winter is coming and that means darker and ofc colder nights to come.

Hoping for the same, here in Scotland. Welcome to the SGL.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 23.8.2016 at 00:25, Starwiz said:

A 12" first scope!  I can't wait to see what you get when aperture fever kicks in :icon_biggrin:

Welcome to the SGL!  


Well I have access to quite dark place in archipelago of Turku....and I have already viewed 14" second hand scope :D ....In truth and joking aside, I bought this one because it was quite reasonable price (about 750 euros, no reason to get smaller for the same price and I'm young and capable of carrying OTA around) also this one was in good shape. Old ama astronomer left this place and I got this from his treasury.

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