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Richard Hather

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Everything posted by Richard Hather

  1. All excellent points all depends on what your willing to pay, I'm willing to pay £200-£300 for 1 ep that's gets me nice quality glass. I did own an ethos for a few months but found it marginally better then my ES 20mm 100. So I decided to go for the ES 100 set I have the 14-9 and will be purchasing the 5.5 in due course. Are they as good as ethos? Probably not but are they damn near as good I thing they are and at a price I'm willing to pay. My point is I've been told off many people of this site that were in a golden age of amateur astronomy at the moment it can purchase almost any ep for around £50-£100 and have decent views and that goes with telescopes to. Again if you love astronomy with a passion go for the best you can afford ? Clear skies ✨????
  2. It's mainly to do with the quality of the glass and the processing and checks used. Televue being the most expensive but best quality.
  3. Can you post a sketch or does it have to be a photographic image? I have a sketch from last night that I'm relatively happy with. Richard
  4. Lovely sketch as always Mike, sometimes you just have to make do with the Sky you have. Richard
  5. Hi Marios,

    I didn't want to take anything away from your lovely sketch so I thought I would pm you.

    Ive just started sketching my own DSO and I love it.

    I was wondering how you achieved you sketch and what materials and techniques you use.

    Here is one of my most recent sketches by comparison.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mariosi
    3. Richard Hather

      Richard Hather

      My only other question Marios is what size paper did you use and was it a specific type as when I invert the image it's not as dark as it should be?

    4. mariosi


      Geia sou Richard, 

      I'm using the normal size A4 usual paper for moon ,planets and deep sky sketch. 

      For the sun sketch I find beter the A4 'sketch book ' and makes the background more realistic. ...close up to chromosphere. 


      AR 2529 16 4 16.jpg



  6. Incredible thread I've had my Celestron Nexstat 6se for 5 glorious weeks now. ive been fortunate in the weather and I've managed to have 5 sessions which have all been incredible in there own way. The last session however was in one particular way better then the rest I was introduced to M5 and M13 which completely changed my purely visual take on things. The Great Hercules cluster I found especially breath taking my plan is to start sketching my observations to train my eye to see even more detail. This post has reinforced my plans and I can't wait to get started ☺️
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