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The Sun - H-Alpha - 07/23/16


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The Sun - H-Alpha light.
07-23-16  11:33am PDT
Lunt 80mm Ha telescope
ZWO ASI1600MM camera

The light colored region around the 10 o'clock position is the sunspot active region AR2565-2567 that has created several large solar flares in the last few days.

Inverted - Contrast enhanced to show prominences along the edge.

Animated loop - This loop was created from 36 individual frames and loops forward and back continuously.
Each frame was created from a short 250 frame AVI captured every 30 seconds. Each 250 frame AVI was stacked in AutoStakkart!2 and tweaked using Registax 6. The 36 individual frames were then colorized, layered and animation created in PhotoshopCC.
11:34:15 - 11:54:45am PDT.

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