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Sol 23-5-16 08.45


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nice and sunny here in south wales today theres a bit of cloud but its 80% clear.seeings good. taken with 120mm f5 frac,1.5x barlow, lunt solar wedge,450d mono. 75 frames staxed with regi, coloured in photoshop,adjusted in topaz detail 5.thanks for looking, clear skys charl.sol 23-5-16 08.45.pngsol 23-5-16 08.45 col.pngsol 23-5-16 08.45 inv.pngsol 23-5-16 08.45 cu1.pngsol 23-5-16 08.45 cu1-extra close.pngsol 23-5-16 08.45-extra closecoloured.png

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Nicely done Charl.

Today I awoke to clear blue skies and thought this is what I've been waiting for.
Before I could start I had to drop the car into the local garage, 10min' drive, five minute walk to the bus stop a 10min' ride and I'm home again.
So I left home at 8.30 only to discover every road heading towards Dartford grid locked due to some hassle at the Dartford crossing, it took me an hour to get to the garage, walked to the bus stop, stood there for an hour during which time three buses should have come along, a guy had an App on his phone which said for some reason they'd decided to cancel all the buses to avoid the jams :eek:

I then had an hours walk home arriving three and a half hours after I'd left at the same time as the clouds and rain forecast shortly.
Now having a sit down and a cup of tea while my blood pressure subsides :grin:


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thanks Dave, cor what a bizzy morning you have had mate, that wasnt nice of them to cancel the bus, but with the jams you was probley qwicker walking. hope you get some clear skys and enjoy your cup of tea.charl.

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Nice Charl, the Numbra looks a lot more menacing today and the penumbra looks a bit reduced in size too.. dynamic "little" object isn't it!  Thanks for posting.. hoping to get some "quality time" this afternoon..



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thanks Fozzie, yer mate its been very dynamic, its looked different every time ive viewed it. i was hoping something new would of moved on to the disc by now,could we be heading for a spotless disc ?, i hope not,but i havnt got a pic of a spotless one. hope you got some clear sky and did some viewing thisafternoon.charl.

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7 hours ago, Davey-T said:

Nicely done Charl.

Today I awoke to clear blue skies and thought this is what I've been waiting for.
Before I could start I had to drop the car into the local garage, 10min' drive, five minute walk to the bus stop a 10min' ride and I'm home again.
So I left home at 8.30 only to discover every road heading towards Dartford grid locked due to some hassle at the Dartford crossing, it took me an hour to get to the garage, walked to the bus stop, stood there for an hour during which time three buses should have come along, a guy had an App on his phone which said for some reason they'd decided to cancel all the buses to avoid the jams :eek:

I then had an hours walk home arriving three and a half hours after I'd left at the same time as the clouds and rain forecast shortly.
Now having a sit down and a cup of tea while my blood pressure subsides :grin:


My god Dave did you smash a mirror or see a black cat earlier then ?


Nice capture Charls, so it's you who is getting all the clear patches of sky...........right off to Wales we go !!!

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thanks Dave, had some great seeing thismorrning mate, theres not a cloud in the sky at the moment, if it wasnt for the trees out frount id be taking some pics now, hopefully ill get some moon pics later, and have a little look at mars and saturn,i got a look at mars lastnight and ive never seen so much detail. hope you get clear skys charl.

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