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Everything posted by Lowjiber

  1. Seeing wasn't the best yesterday, but I hadn't shot a prom in a month. Thanks for the peek. Clear Skies
  2. As visible sunspots go, AR2782 died an early death less than half-way across the visible surface. Here's all that remained this morning. Thanks for the peek. Clear Skies
  3. Wanted to grab this one before disaster strikes. LOL Thanks for the peek. Clear Skies
  4. Awesome capture... Congratulations and thanks much for sharing.!!! Clear Skies
  5. Rusted... I like your work above. 😀 I too like to reduce my exposure and increase the gain on poor condition days. I cut the number of frames in half too to give me more captures/session in hopes of catching a good one. Clear Skies
  6. Seeing was poor (3.5/5) yesterday, but I just had to shoot these two before they went around the SW limb. Thanks for the peek.😀 Clear Skies
  7. IKitsunegari I certainly don't mind the compression. No, I didn't drizzle the stack. I did change the resolution to 82 pixels to accommodate most modern monitors though... something I typically do during processing. Thanks for your comments. I'll likely restack that data and throw a little (1.5) drizzle on it just for fun. Clear Skies
  8. I finally got a day of decent seeing, just in time for AR2778. Thanks for the peek. Clear Skies
  9. Thanks for sharing your work, Den. Nicely done. Clear Skies
  10. Nice work, Dave. I hate working through the "sucker holes" in clouds, but you managed it very well. I really like that spot. Thanks for the shares. Clear Skies
  11. Nice work, Steve. That prom is still kicking up nicely. Thanks for the shares. Clear Skies
  12. It may be out of tune a bit, but you still captured the spot nicely, Chris. Thanks for the share. Clear Skies
  13. Very nice work, Steve. Thanks for the shares. Clear Skies
  14. Thank you, Chris.😀 I couldn't see them in the live-view, and when they popped out when processing I was almost giddy. Clear Skies
  15. When I first spotted this one early this morning, it was standing straight up and very tall. However, by the time the sun was high enough for the shot it had begun to fall back toward the surface. Thanks for the peek. Clear Skies
  16. I thought the light bridge across the active region was nice. Space.com said it was 5,000 miles long. Thanks for the peek. Clear Skies
  17. I'm still battling fairly heavy smoke from the wildfires west of my Las Vegas location. Otherwise, seeing was 4/5. Thanks for the peek. Clear Skies
  18. That is exactly what I thought. My wife just can't see it.
  19. I shot this last week, but just got around to processing it this morning. Thanks for the peek.😀 Clear Skies John
  20. Here is some work with a Lunt 60 PT 1200BF... Clear Skies
  21. This morning I was playing around with the image above and turned it into a piece of "art". LOL Enjoy.
  22. Nicely done Nicos. Love those inverts.😀 Thanks for sharing your work. Clear Skies
  23. Very nice, crisp images, Steve. 😀 Thanks much for the shares. Clear Skies
  24. I stumbled across this little ditty while waiting for the Quark to warm up Thanks for the peek.😀 Clear Skies
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