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I decided to try imaging Jupiter for the first time last night - this was the result.  Nothing spectacular, but it's a start I guess!  I'm wondering if anyone can give me any tips on how to get more detail?

I took this using a Canon 70d attached to an 8" Dobsonian at prime focus

1 x 30 sec video

Stabilised in PIPP

Stacked in Registax

Wavelet adjustments

Am I missing something?  I mean, I'm happy with the result considering the video was terrible, but I'm sure there's something more I could be doing.  Would adding a barlow lens give better results?  



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The biggest issue for imaging Jupiter is the seeing. If your seeing is poor you are never going to get good results. The other big issue is focus - how did you get focus? I find that getting accurate focus on Jupiter is impossible - I focus on a nearby star first.


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Ah, I didn't even consider the seeing conditions, Peter - I just saw a clear sky (very rare here!) and bolted outside haha!  I tried to focus using Jupiter itself, so will use a nearby star next time!

Pete - yes, I was manually tracking with my dob.  Will try a longer video next time - for some reason I was under the impression that imaging any longer than 30 seconds would mess things up during stacking, but I don't know where I got that from! 

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I tend to focus first on the moons of Jupiter, which appear almost sarrlike anyway and get them as sharp as I can first, and then just twiddle the focus if I need to when viewing Jupiter, but focusing on a bright star first would help too as suggested. 

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