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Observatory Lighting


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Hi all, any suggestions regarding red lighting in the obs please? I was thinking a normal, cheap as chips bulkhead kind of light with a dimable red bayonet type light bulb? Happy to hear what others may have done please?

rgds, Steve 

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I have r3i Mike's red and white tlc setup in my warm room, with a pull-cord switch wired as a changeover.

In the dome, no built in lighting. I hang a 17" LCD screen on the lip of the wall. With no input it's an all-white display that illuminates the dome while I set up and break down, with a mirror input of the warm room I can check SCT coarse focus and move the guidescope onto a suitable star, and later without an input I can take Flats.

Rest of the evening I use a led penlight, hand or mouth held !



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In my small 2 decade old DIY dome I have a regular 100w tungsten lamp for opening up/closing down + a low wattage red-coated bulb for general use to see laptop keyboard.  I work in the dark during cam exposures with a pen light to hand.


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I use dimmable white lights but I'm imaging exclusively and mostly control remotely from indoors once an imaging run is set up.  The dimmable light in the warm room is useful for setting up and I use it dimmed for using the laptop.

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I have two bulkhead lamps - one  low watt red LED (4W) one white (yet to be wired in).  I have a temporary car inspection lamp (white) hanging from the roof that I use for initial set-up/closing down  and when I get scared in the middle of a dark winter night:hiding:

I 'm only really getting familiar now with using the observatory (visual at the moment) but already I'm thinking I would like to have a low level dimmable red led light at floor level to help navigate around and find things.  I like the idea of the rope lights that some folk have mentioned.

I know it's also a bit silly but I have plans to put these into the obsy - I'm a big fan of the steam punk look and I think these will give a bit of a Victorian (think HG Wells) type feel to the observatory.  Silly I know, and yes the money could be better spent on more useful astronomy accessories but hey ho - each to their own.





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I use Red and White LED bulbs in a bulkhead style lght fitting.  I think I got them from Amazon.  I use the lights all the time.  Because they are on the walls, of course, I always seem to have the critical area in shadow.  My light panel gets called into service too, therefore.  Even then I still need to use a torch from time to time.

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