It's an all-in-one-package similar to what I've been doing for a decade using regular equipment. It's really quite small in aperture and can't apparently view, for example, the central star in the Ring Nebula M57 - to me a minimum requirement.
It has some strange design features, like on open tubes Newt-like scope [instead of a sealed optical window], a three-vane spider giving 6 diffraction spikes and potentally wobbly tripod connection. The latter is quoted as ok as solved by guidance system [!] but not IMO with the eye bumping the electronic EP as it will. Direct wireless to phone screen would be better and social media
From long experience I do seriously doubt that non astronomers would know what to look for beyond the obvious moon which anyone could aim for without expensive aids. Even at my astro club most members are 'lost' beyond half a dozen famous deepsky objects sad that it is.