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Newbie from Norfolk uk


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Welcome to SGL and congrats on your new scope. Don't hesitate to ask anything, there's a wealth of experience and expertise here. Many of us have downloaded a free programme called "Stellarium". A great resource and well worth getting.

Keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on.

Good luck and clear skies.


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Welcome from Suffolk. Are you anywhere near that massive source of light pollution they call Norwich?

about 10 miles from there live in a rural town so not much light pollution and if it a problem go 10 minutes down the A11 and it pitch black. Great ellingham is a dark skys site with a sqm of 21.00 what ever that means

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Great ellingham is a dark skys site with a sqm of 21.00 what ever that means

Is there anywhere in the UK that is not claiming to be a dark sky site? :Envy: :Envy: :Envy:

Expect the Baker Street Astronomers to claim Regents Park to be one soon at this rate. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Over at Toad Lane (something like that) The Norwich Astronomers group meet up, old airfield.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on ordering your scope and wish you clear skies for its arrival. You might want to consider downloading some free planetarium software called Stellarium which will help you learn the sky and to find where all the good stuff is. It can also be calibrated to match the night sky as seen from your own observation site along with many other features that makes it fun and interesting to use, especially when the clouds come in! 

Clear skies.

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Welcome to SGL.

As has already been mentioned, Norwich Astronomical holds general members meetings at it's own site, Seething Observatory, every Friday and often hold observing sessions during the week. Several members are from Wymondham (including myself) so the journey is not onerous (about 30 minutes) and the skies are worth it. As Chairman I must declare a vested interest here!

Gt Ellingham has 'Dark Sky Discovery status' I believe - NAS did fill in the forms but when we found that public car parking was more important for the 'label' than sky quality the application was dropped ... 

Breckland Astronomical Society regularly meet up at Gt Ellingham so may also be a Society to look at but I would advise visiting both NAS and BAS as the groups are very different and one may suit you more than the other.

PLUG: The next NAS Public Open Nights are on the 15 and 16th of this month if you wish to have a look around and a chat ... http://www.norwichastro.org.uk for Society info.


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20160105 160354

Well here it is already to go this evening balanced etc just waiting for total darkness approx 17:09 sky is broken at moment and clearing so fingers crossed.

Not fitted motor yet as want to get used to with it manually first.

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Ok first light:

Got about an hour before cloud returned seen what I believe to be polarised aka north star. And second star quiet close I find the 25mm with 2x Barlow was ok for that but using the 10mm lost them so not rating the 10mm.

Nit 100% that it was north star, it was the brightest to naked eye but by my compass it was more to the east so nit 100% on my setup.

Looking around randomly could just make out a cluster of stars quite a lot but even with 25mm on barlow×2 it was still very distant.

So looking for its on lenses or upin the Barlow lense and do I trust compass not as north?

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