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Hello everyone,

My name is Shaun and I live in Colchester, Essex.

I've been floating around the forum for about a month before joining.  My interest began just over a year ago when I bought my son a Jessops 80 x 800 telescope, as you can probably guess, it was me that got hooked rather than him lol.  My 2nd and current weapon of choice is a Meade 90 etx which I bought a couple of days ago.

I've done a fair bit of stargazing although it's only been the likes of Jupiter and the moon from my back garden which has a fair amount of light pollution, the Jessops has done stand up job for £30. I understand that the Meade 90 etx isn't the best for viewing DSO's but can anyone recommend any that may be visible with my telescope?  EP's I have are: Super plossel 26mm, cheapo 3x Barlo, 20, 12.5 and a 6mm that came with the Jessops telescope.

Thanks Shaun

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Hello Shaun and welcome to SGL

The Orion nebula can still just be seen sinking into the south west sky just after dark.

Venus is well placed in the west sky at sunset at the moment.

I would suggest you download Stellarium  - its free to find other bright deep sky objects......

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Hi Shaun! Greetings and welcome to SGL. This is a great place to look for advice on most every subject related into astronomy, and that could fill a warehouse! We all love answering and asking questions. So make yourself at home, and toss out any & all questions that come up. Someone is bound to know the right answers!

Clear Skies,


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