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Hello everyone!

My name is Tom Campbell, and I have been interested in space and astronomy as long as I can remember.  My first serious observing was back around 2001, when I started logging my observations using my 60mm department store refractor.  Eventually I upgraded to an 8" f/6 dob (my current main scope), and at last count, I had logged almost 500 celestial objects, including all of the Messiers.  I call my observation reports StarLogs (in deference to Star Trek), and look forward to posting them to these forums from time to time.

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Hi Tom and welcome to the forum. Looks like you're making great progress with your recent upgrade and I'm sure you noticed the difference in light gathering capability in defining structure and detail especially on deep sky objects (DSO's) Look forward to reading your observational comments in due course.  :smiley:

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum  

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I'm Mariusz from south of Sydney, Australia. I have been into astronomy ever since I was a kid. Back when I was 13/14 I had a 60mm Tasco refractor... loved it.... always wanted to take photos of the sky. Back then I thought it was as simple as to hook up a camera to the scope, hit the shutter button and I'd end up with the sort of pics I saw in books, boy was I mistaken... lucky I didn't talk my parents into spending the money on the T-mount, T-Ring and film SLR I wanted, because back then it would have been a big expensive waste of money.

During the final years of high school and University and when started to work I gave it up due to busy life and I didn't wake the hobby up and start to get properly setup for astrophotography until 2006. Of course that setup was a gradual evolution, first I got a NexStar 8SE, then got the DSLR adapters, put the 8SE on a CGEM, got a stack of filters and only last year I self modded my canon 300D & 40D. The rest is history.

I'm looking forward to sharing pics and gaining more knowledge as a member of SGL.


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