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I don't actually like using very large, heavy eyepieces that much but it seems to be de rigueur if you want to get very wide, low power views that are well corrected in faster scopes :rolleyes2:

If the same views could be delivered in a more compact eyepiece format I'd be pleased to own them :smiley:

Here are some large ones, some mine, some on loan:

I'm hoping you (John) have teeny tiny hands or else i think those EP's win hands down and the rest of us may get our coats and just go home.

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i honestly thought that as well, seems like yesterday :smiley: sure john is more professional than that though, fingers crossed :grin:

I'd never do that again Mike :grin:

On the topic of TV / Al Nagler, this made me smile :smiley:


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I have a few monsters...

ES 14mm 100' is probably the largest and heaviest, the ES 30mm 82' is pretty fat and the Pentax XW 30mm likewise.

My Skywatcher Panaview in 38mm was also a monster and although it did show aberrations at the edge, was mismatched on exit pupil to my newt it was still a nice view through it and very comfy as well.  Kind of wish now I hadn't sold it.

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...My Skywatcher Panaview in 38mm was also a monster and although it did show aberrations at the edge, was mismatched on exit pupil to my newt it was still a nice view through it and very comfy as well.  Kind of wish now I hadn't sold it.

Some eyepieces are just like that ..... imperfect but like an old pair of slippers - comfy :smiley:

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I have an older 40mm TV wideview that's pretty big but lovely to use, very much reminds me of a 41mm Pan I had.

Perverse that it's one of my most old and low tech but favourite EPs!

Other than that, I wouldn'like to be hit in the face with my ES 100 20mm, and 13mm Ethos!

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My largest  Isn't mapped alongside the Monsters displayed in the thread,

But I wouldn't like it dropping onto my big toe either  :grin:.

Couldn't even frame it properly  :BangHead:




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It's interesting how adding different things to a photo changes the relative scale of other items. In that photo, the MV 24mm looks quite large, but in this one, not so much:


Just to emphasize how all things are relative, the 40mm SWA in the above photo looks a monster. In the photo below, not so much:


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I.m starting to suspect that people are buying eyepieces just to dwarf tins on beans. Well I'm just not going to get myself in a pickle trying to compete.

Behold, a massive widefield EP with star shapes absolutely consistent across 100% of the FOV. Barlowing doesn't really help, but is does look impressive.


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