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Hi from Cardiff


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Complete newbie here. Was given a telescope for my birthday just over a week ago and last night was my first opportunity to use it, well I say use it, what I actually mean is get totally confused, lost, amazed when I did get it right etc etc etc. I'm using  a Skywatcher Newtonian reflector telescope 114mm using the SynScan AZ Goto system. 

School boy errors were the name of the game last night. 

  • Not keeping my eyes adapted to the dark, Dont own a red LED flashlight so was using my phone  
  • Trying to observe the moon and just seeing a white blur then taking to the internet to find answers to be told to use the whole range of focus 
  • Not having my viewfinder aligned with the main telescope ---- This will be sorted today as I have been told to do it in daylight
  • Living in an urban area, a ground floor flat to be more precise. Neighbours turning lights on and off, restrictive view to one part of nights sky due to buildings around me. I'm happy with this situation for now as I want to get used to using the scope, lenses and the SynScan but I know to get the most out of this experience I need to venture out. 

So yeah, even though I didn't do much observing I learnt a hell of a lot. I did eventually manage to get a good view of the moon and I was amazed with the detail I seen. That was worth all the earlier problems. 

I'm in university studying Youth & Community Work (final year) and I also teach DukeofEdinburgh award in local youth clubs. Gaining knowledge in the sky above will be something I can pass down to youngsters when I take them out on expedition so the telescope will be coming with me. This means I want to get things right and not teach them the wrong things so I will be on here asking a lot of questions. 


Taff Millsy

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Oooh you're in for a treat Taff. The learning is part of the fun but when you get to look at everything after doing it, it's great. You'll still be able to see a fair bit with non adjusted eyes and neighbours lights etc. It's the subtle stuff that you'll need to give extra attention. We're here to help though, so don't feel bad about asking "stupid" questions. We were all there once. 

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Another warm welcome from Wales Taff. Sounds like you've made a great start. There's a heck of a lot to learn, and you've come to the right place for help. What a great opportunity you'll have to pass on what you learn to youngsters. It must be really satisfying.

Good luck, and keep in touch.


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Thanks for the warm welcome all, I can tell I have come to the right place from reading the different topics in the forum. I have also realised that even with your equipment set up correctly, cloud cover is a pain in the Bottom.  :embarrassed:  Patience I know I will have to learn but living in the U.K sure will test it  :grin:

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